Your Search Results:
- Cats
- Abyssinian
- American Bobtail
- American Bobtail Longhair
- American Bobtail Shorthair
- American Bombay
- American Curl
- American Curl Longhair
- American Curl Shorthair
- American Shorthair
- American Wirehair
- Anatolian Cat
- Arabian Mau
- Asian Family
- Australian Bombay
- Australian Mist
- Balinese
- Balinese Division
- Bengal Cat
- Birman
- Bombay
- Brazilian Shorthair
- British Bombay
- British Family
- British Longhair
- British Shorthair
- Burmese
- Burmese Family
- Burmilla
- Chartreux
- Chinese Li Hua
- Classicat
- Colorpoint Shorthair
- Contemporary Balinese
- Contemporary Burmese
- Cornish Rex
- Cymric
- Cymric Rumpy Riser
- Cymric Stumpy
- Devon Rex
- Don Sphynx
- Donskoy
- Egyptian Mau
- European Bombay
- European Burmese
- European Shorthair
- Exotic Family
- Exotic Longhair Cat
- Exotic Shorthair
- Foreign White Longhair
- Foreign White Shorthair
- German Rex
- Havana Brown
- Isle of Man Family
- Isle of Man Longhair
- Isle of Man Shorthair
- Japanese Bobtail
- Japanese Bobtail Family
- Japanese Bobtail Longhair
- Japanese Bobtail Shorthair
- Javanese
- Jungala
- Korat
- LaPerm
- LaPerm Longhair
- LaPerm Shorthair
- Long Tailed Cymric
- Longhaired Bengal
- Maine Coon
- Manx
- Manx Family
- Manx Longhair
- Manx Rumpy
- Manx Rumpy Riser
- Manx Shorthaired
- Manx Stumpy
- Minskin
- Munchkin
- Munchkin Longhair
- Munchkin Shorthair
- Nebelung
- Norwegian Forest
- Ocicat
- Oriental
- Oriental Longhair
- Oriental Short Hair
- Persian
- Peterbald
- Ragdoll
- Russian
- Scottish
- Siamese
- Somali
- Sphynx Cat
- Tailed Manx
- Tailed Manx Short Hair
- Tasman Manx Cat
- Toyger
- Traditional Balinese Cat
- Traditional Burmese Cat
- Turkish Angora
- Turkish Van
- Turkish Van
- Turkish Vankedisi
- Ukrainian Levkoy
- Dogs
- Affenpinscher
- Afghan Hound
- African Lion Hound
- Africanis
- Aidi
- Ainu
- Airedale Terrier
- Akbash
- Akita Inu
- Alano Espanol
- Alapaha Bulldog
- Alaskan Husky
- Alaskan Klee Kai
- Alaskan Malamute
- Alopekis Dog
- Alpine Dachsbracke
- Ambullneo Mastiff
- American Akita
- American Allaunt
- American Alsatian
- American Bandogge Mastiff
- American Black and Tan Coonhound
- American Blue Gascon Hound
- American Blue Lacy
- American Bull Mastiff
- American Bull Molosser
- American Bulldog
- American Bullnese
- American Bully
- American Cocker Spaniel
- American Crested Sand Terrier
- American Eskimo Dog, Miniature Size
- American Eskimo Dog, Standard Size
- American Eskimo Dog, Toy Size
- American Foxhound
- American Hairless Terrier
- American Indian Dog
- American Kyi Apso
- American Labrador Retriever
- American Lo-Sze Pugg
- American Mastiff
- American Mastiff Panja
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- American Staghound
- American Toy Terrier
- American Treeing Feist
- American Water Spaniel
- American White Shepherd
- Amitola Bulldog
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog
- Andalusian Podenco
- Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Blanc et Orange
- Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie
- Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Blanc et Noir
- Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Tricolore
- Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie
- Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Blanc et Noir
- Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Blanc et Orange
- Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Tricolore
- Anglo-French and French Hounds
- Anglos-Francais Dogs
- Appenzeller
- Argentinean Mastiff
- Ariege Pointing Dog
- Ariegeois
- Armant Dog
- Armenian Gampr
- Artois Hound
- Arubian Cunucu Dog
- Aryan Molossus
- Atlas Terrier
- Australian Bulldog
- Australian Cattle Dog
- Australian Kelpie
- Australian Koolie
- Australian Labradoodle
- Australian Shepherd
- Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
- Australian Terrier
- Austrian Brandlbracke
- Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher
- Austrian Smooth Haired Hound
- Azawakh Hound
- Bakharwal Dog
- Banjara Greyhound
- Banter Bulldogge
- Barak
- Barbet
- Barger Stock Feist
- Basenji
- Basset Artesien Normand
- Basset Bleu de Gascogne
- Basset Fauve de Bretagne
- Basset Hound
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Beagle
- Bearded Collie
- Bedlington Terrier
- Bedouin Shepherd Dog
- Belgian Griffon
- Belgian Mastiff
- Belgian Shepherd Groenendael
- Belgian Shepherd Laekenois
- Belgian Shepherd Malinois
- Belgian Shepherd Tervuren
- Belgian Shorthaired Pointer
- Belgrade Terrier
- Bench-Legged Feist
- Bergamasco Sheepdog
- Berger des Pyrenees
- Berger du Languedoc
- Berger Picard
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bhagyari Alsatian
- Bhagyari Kutta
- Bichon Frise
- Bichon Havanais
- Biewer Dog
- Billy Dog
- Black Mouth Cur
- Black Norwegian Elkhound
- Black Russian Terrier
- Blenheim Toy Spaniel
- Bleu de Gascogne
- Bloodhound
- Blue Heeler
- Blue Lacy Dog
- Blue Picardy Spaniel
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Boerboel
- Bohemian Shepherd
- Bohemian Terrier
- Bolognese
- Bonsai Bulldogge
- Border Collie
- Border Terrier
- Borzoi
- Bosnian Rough Haired Hound
- Boston Terrier
- Bouvier de Ardennes
- Bouvier des Flandres
- Boxer
- Boykins Spaniel
- Bracco Italiano
- Braque du Bourbonnais
- Braque Dupuy
- Braque Francais
- braque saint-germain
- Brazilian Terrier
- Briard
- Briquet
- Briquet Griffon Vendeen
- Brittany Spaniel
- Buckley Mountain Feist
- Bukovina Sheepdog
- Buldogue Campeiro
- Bulgarian Shepherd Dog
- Bull Terrier
- Bulldog
- Bullmastiff
- Bully Kutta
- Burgos Pointer
- Cairn Terrier
- Cajun Cur
- Cajun Squirrel
- Camus Cur
- Canaan
- Canadian Cur
- Canadian Eskimo
- Cane Corso Italiano
- Canis Panther
- Cão da Serra de Aires
- Cão da Serra de Estrela
- Cão de Fila de São Miguel
- Cão dos Mourey
- Caravan Hound
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi
- Carolina
- Carpathian Sheepdog
- Catahoula Cur
- Caucasian Ovcharka
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Central Asian Shepherd
- Cesky Fousek
- Cesky Terrier
- Chacy Ranior
- Chart Polski
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Chien Blanc du Roi
- Chien d’Artois
- Chien De L'atlas
- Chien Française
- Chihuahua
- Chin Dog
- Chinese Chongqing
- Chinese Crested
- Chinese Imperial
- Chinese Shar-Pei
- Chinook
- Chodsky Pes
- Chow Chow
- Cierny Sery
- Cirneco dell'Etna
- Clumber Spaniel
- Coated Peruvian Orchid
- Cocker Spaniel
- Collie
- Continental Toy Spaniel
- Corgi
- Coton de Tulear
- Cretan Hound
- Croatian Mountain
- Croatian Sheepdog
- Cur
- Curly Coated Retriever
- Curly-Coated Portuguese Water Dog
- Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
- Dachshund, Miniature Size
- Dachshund, Toy Size
- Dalmatian
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- Danish Broholmer
- Danish-Swedish Farm Dog
- Decker Giant Rat Terrier
- Denmark Feist
- Deutscher Wachtelhund
- Dhoki Apso
- Do Khyi
- Doberman Pinscher
- Dogo Argentino
- Dogue de Bordeaux
- Dokhi Apso
- Dorset Olde Tyme Bulldogge
- Drentse Patrijshond
- Drever
- Dunker
- Dutch Shepherd
- Dutch Smoushond
- East Siberian Laika
- East-European Shepherd
- English Bulldog
- English Cocker Spaniel
- English Coonhound
- English Foxhound
- English Labrador Retriever
- English Mastiff
- English Pointer
- English Setter
- English Shepherd
- English Springer Spaniel
- English Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- English Toy Spaniel
- Entlebucher Sennenhund
- Epagneul Picard
- Epagneul Pont-Audemer
- Estonian Hound
- Estrela Mountain
- Eurasier
- Feist
- Field Spaniel
- Fila Brasileiro
- Finnish Hounds
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish Spitz
- Flat-Coated Retriever
- Florida Black Mouth Cur
- Florida Cracker Cur
- Fox Paulistinha
- Fox Terrier
- Foxhound
- French Brittany Spaniel
- French Bulldog
- French Mastiff
- French Pointer
- French Spaniel
- Friesian Pointing Dog
- Frisian Water Dog
- Galgo Espanol
- Gascon Saintongeois
- German Hunt Terrier
- German Longhaired Pointer
- German Pinscher
- German Pointers
- German Shepherd
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- German Spitz
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- Giant German Spitz
- Giant Schnauzer
- Glen of Imaal Terrier
- Golden Retriever
- Gonczy Polsk
- Gordon Setter
- Grand Anglo-Français
- Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Noir
- Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Orange
- Grand Anglo-Français Tricolore
- Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
- Grand Gascon-Saintongeois
- Great Dane
- Great Pyrenees
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Greek Sheepdog
- Greenland Dog
- Greyhound
- Griffon Bleu de Gascogne
- Griffon Fauve de Bretagne
- Griffon Nivernais
- Gull Terrier
- Hairless Khala
- Hairless Peruvian Orchid
- Halden Hound
- Hamilton Hound
- Harrier
- Havanese
- Himalayan Sheepdog
- Hollandse Herdershond
- Hovawart
- Ibizan Hound
- Icelandic Sheepdog Shorthair
- Icelanding Sheepdog Longhair
- Indian Alangu Mastiff
- Irish Red and White Setter
- Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Irish Terrier
- Irish Water Spaniel
- Irish Wolfhound
- Istrian Coarse-haired Hound
- Istrian Shorthaired Hound
- Italian Greyhound
- Italian Pointer
- Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Jagdterrier
- Japanese Chin
- Japanese Spitz
- Japanese Terrier
- Japanese Tosa
- Jindo
- Kai Dog
- Kangal Dog
- Kangaroo Dog
- Karelian Bear Dog
- Karelo-Finnish Laika
- Karst Shepherd
- Keeshond
- Kelb tal-Fenek
- Kemmer Feist
- Kemmer Stock Cur Mountain Cur
- Kemmer Stock Hybrid Squirrel
- Kerry Blue Terrier
- King Charles Toy Spaniel
- Kishu
- Kishu Ken
- Kokoni
- Komondor
- Kooikerhondje
- Korean Dosa Mastiff
- Korthals Griffon
- Kraski Ovcar
- Kromfohrländer
- Kuchi
- Kunming Dog
- Kuvasz
- Kyi-Leo
- Labrador Husky
- Labrador Retriever
- Ladner Yellow Blackmouth Cur
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Lakeland Terrier
- Lancashire Heeler
- Landseer Newfoundland
- Lapinporokoira
- Lapponian Herder
- Large Munsterlander
- Leonberger
- Leopard Cur
- Lhasa Apso
- Lithuanian Hound
- Llewellin Setter
- Long-legged Rat Terrier
- Longhaired Bhagyari Kutta
- Longhaired Ibizan Hound
- Longhaired Icelandic Sheepdog
- Longhaired Lurcher
- Longhaired Portuguese Water Dog
- Longhaired Weimaraner
- Louisiana Catahoula Leopard
- Lowchen
- Lucas Terrier
- Lundehund
- Lurcher Longhair
- Lurcher Norfolk
- Lurcher Shorthair
- Mallorquin Mastiff
- Maltese
- Manchester Terrier
- Maremma Sheepdog
- Mastiff
- Mastin Ligero Español
- Mastin Pesado Español
- Mini Atlas Terrier
- Miniature Alaskan Klee Kai
- Miniature Bull Terrier
- Miniature Pekingese
- Miniature Pinscher
- Miniature Rat Terrier
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Miniature Xoloitzcuintli
- Montenegrin Mountain Hound
- Moscow Watchdog
- Mountain Cur
- Mountain Feist
- Mountain View Cur
- Mucuchies
- Mudi
- Mullins Feist
- Munsterlander Dog
- Naagi Bully Kutta
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Nebolish Mastiff
- New Guinea Singing
- New Zealand Huntaway
- Newfoundland
- Norfolk Lurcher
- Norfolk Terrier
- Norrbottenspets
- Northern Inuit
- Norwegian Buhund
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Norwegian Lundehund
- Norwegian Puffin
- Norwich Terrier
- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
- Ol' Southern Catchdog
- Old Danish Pointing
- Old English Sheepdog
- Olde Boston Bulldogge
- Olde English Bulldogge
- Pachon Navarro
- Papillon
- Parson Russell Terrier
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Perdiguero Navarro
- Perdiguero Portuguese
- Perro de Agua Espanol
- Perro de Presa Mallorquin
- Persian Greyhound
- Persian Sighthound
- Peruvian Inca Orchid
- Petit Bleu de Gascogne
- Petit Gascon Saintongeois
- Phalene
- Pharaoh Hound
- Picardy Spaniel
- Pit Bull Terrier
- Plott Hound
- Podengo Portugueso Grande
- Podengo Portugueso Medio
- Podengo Portugueso Pequeno
- Polish Lowland Sheepdog
- Polish Tatra Sheepdog
- Pomeranian
- Poodle
- Portuguese Podengo
- Portuguese Podengo Grande
- Portuguese Podengo Medio
- Portuguese Podengo Pequeño
- Portuguese Pointer
- Portuguese Sheepdog
- Portuguese Water Dog
- Posavac Hound
- Prazsky Krysarik
- Presa Canario
- Prince Charles Toy Spaniel
- Pudelpointer
- Pug
- Puli
- Pumi
- Pungsan
- Rafeiro Alentejo
- Rat Terrier
- Redbone Coonhound
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Roman Rottweiler
- Rottweiler
- Ruby Toy Spaniel
- Russian Spaniel
- Russian Toy Terrier
- Saarlooswolfhond
- Sabueso Espanol
- Saint Bernard
- Saluki
- Samoyed
- Sarplaninac
- Scandinavian Lapphund
- Schapendoes
- Schipperke
- Schnauzer
- Scotch Collie
- Scottish Deerhound
- Scottish Terrier
- Sealyham Terrier
- Segugio Italiano
- Seppala Siberian Sleddog
- Serbian Mountain Hound
- Serbian Tricolour Hound
- Shar Pei
- Sheltie
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Shiba Inu
- Shih Tzu
- Shikoku
- Shiloh Shepherd
- Short-haired Bhagyari Kutta
- Short-haired Icelandic Sheepdog
- Short-Haired Lurcher
- Short-haired Weimaraner
- Short-legged Rat Terrier
- Shorthaired Icelandic Sheepdog
- Shorty Bull
- Siberian Husky
- Silken Windhound
- Silky Terrier
- Simkhyi
- Skye Terrier
- Sleeves Pekingese
- Sloughi
- Slovac Cuvac
- Slovakian Hound
- Slovakian Rough-haired Pointer
- Small Bernese Hound
- Small Munsterlander
- Small Swiss Hound
- Smooth Fox Terrier
- Smooth-haired Ibizan Hound
- Smooth-Haired Vizsla
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
- South African Mastiff
- South Russian Ovtcharka
- Southern Cur
- Spanish Greyhound
- Spanish Mastiff
- Spanish Scenthound
- Spanish Water Dog
- Spinone Italiano
- St Germain Pointing Dog
- Stabyhoun
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Staghound
- Standard Atlas Terrier
- Standard Dachshund
- Standard German Spitz
- Standard Manchester Terrier
- Standard Poodle
- Standard Rat Terrier
- Standard Schnauzer
- Standard Xoloitzcuintli
- Stephen's Stock Mountain Cur
- Sussex Spaniel
- Swedish Lapphund
- Swedish Vallhund
- Tamaskan
- Tazi
- Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
- Telomian
- Tenterfield Terrier
- Thai Bangkaew
- Thai Ridgeback
- Tibetan Kyi Apso
- Tibetan Mastiff
- Tibetan Spaniel
- Tibetan Terrier
- Titan Bull-Dogge
- Tornjak
- Tosa
- Toy Alaskan Klee Kai
- Toy Atlas Terrier
- Toy Fox Terrier
- Toy German Spitz,
- Toy Poodle
- Toy Rat Terrier
- Treeing Feist
- Treeing Tennessee Brindle
- Treeing Walker Coonhound
- Trobojac
- Uruguayan Cimarron
- USA Tosa Dog
- Utonagan
- Vizsla
- Weatherford Ben Black Mouth Cur
- Weimaraner
- Welsh Corgi
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
- West Highland White Terrier
- Wetterhoun
- Whippet
- Wire Fox Terrier
- Wire-haired Pointing Griffon
- Wire-haired Vizsla
- Wirehaired Ibizan Hound
- Xoloitzcuintli
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Yugoslavian Hound
- Yugoslavian Shepherd
- Yugoslavian Tricolor Hound
The Abyssinian cat is a short haired domesticated cat breed that has a very cloudy history. The cat breed’s history is based on theories and legends. This particular cat breed is famous for its distinctive ticked coat and has been among the most popular cat breeds in The United States and Europe.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
American Bobtail
The American Bobtail is considered to be rare a domestic cat breed, famous for its stubby tail that is bobbed, hence the breed’s name. This cat’s “bobbed” tail is approximately a third or half the length of the tail of an average cat.
Grooming needs:
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American Bobtail Longhair
The American Bobtail Longhair is one of the rare domestic cat breeds in the world today. This is the long-variety of the American cat breed that is famous for having a stubby and “bobbed” tail. The very unique physical trait of the American Bobtail Longhair is brought by a genetic mutation that is similar to the gene of the Manx cat breed.
Grooming needs:
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American Bobtail Shorthair
The American Bobtail Shorthair is one of two varieties of the American Bobtail cat breed. It got its name from the “bobbed” shaped tail, a trait that made it famous worldwide. This American cat breed is also considered to be among the rarest of all the worlds’ accepted and recognized cat breeds.
Grooming needs:
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American Bombay
The American Bombay is a shorthaired domestic cat breed that is typically a Burmese-type. This breed is not a naturally domesticated breed but a hybrid that was specifically created to physically resemble that wild Indian Black Leopard but have a very docile and pleasing temperament.
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American Curl
The American Curl is among the youngest recognized cat breed in the world. It maybe young, but specimens of this breed have been recognized and awarded as champions on various cat shows.
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American Curl Longhair
The American Curl Longhair is one of two varieties of the young and American bred American Curl cat breed. It shares the same history of the original American Curl Short-hair that was first exhibited in 1986.
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American Curl Shorthair
The American Curl Short Hair is the first of two varieties of the American Curl cat breed that was bred for their uniquely shaped ears. This short haired cat is considered to be one of the youngest cat breed today, only being exhibited in a cat show in 1986.
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American Shorthair
The American Shorthair cat breed or also commonly called ASH is a domestic cat breed that descends from the European cats that were brought by the early settlers during North America’s colonial period. This is a working cat breed that was used on board ships to protect the cargo against rats. Today, it is ranked 7th in USA’s popular cat breeds.
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American Wirehair
The American Wirehair cat breed is a domesticated feline breed that originates in the United States, specifically in the state of New York during the middle part of the 1960’s.
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Anatolian Cat
Generally, an Anatolians or Turkish Shorthairs are cats that are not classified officially under the Turkish Van or Turkish Angora cat breed. Anatolian cats are actually very similar in type and in almost all aspects of both the Turkish Angoras and Turkish Van cats.
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Arabian Mau
The Arabian Mau is the indigenous domesticated cat breed of the United Arab Emirates or UAE and has been in existence for several centuries across the Arabian Peninsula. These shorthaired cats are commonly called the “street cats” in various cities and towns in the Middle East.
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Asian Family
The Asian Cat Group consists of cats that are basically Burmese in type but come with a variety of coat colors that is not seen on the typical Burmese cat beed.
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Australian Bombay
Australian Bombays are basically Bombay cats that are bred in Australia and New Zealand. This cat breed originates from hybridization between Burmese cats and Shorthair cats that may be American, British or European in origin.
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Australian Mist
The Australian Mist is a domesticated cat breed that is proudly “Australian made”. This particular cat is one of few exclusively developed and created in Australia by local Aussie breeders.
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The Balinese is a domesticated cat breed that is generally recognized by all major feline organizations that are members of the World Cat Congress, World Cat Federation and the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines. Most of these feline organizations consider the Balinese breed as distinct and separate breed that has been derived or bred from the Siamese cat breed.
Grooming needs:
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Balinese Division
The CFA recognized Balinese cat is commonly called as the Traditional Balinese Type that is considered as just a strand of the Balinese breed. The CFA recognizes this as a separate and distinct breed with its own set of standard.
Grooming needs:
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Bengal Cat
The Bengal Cat is not a purely domesticated cat breed in origin. It is a hybrid. This is a result of crossing a domestic cat with a wild Asian Leopard cat. This hybrid has the wild appearance of the Asian Leopard that is considered as very desirable but a temperament of a docile and gentle house cat.
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The Bombay is a shorthaired domesticated feline breed that is categorized as an oriental-type of cat and comes only with a sleek black coat color. The Bombay is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world.
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Brazilian Shorthair
The Brazilian Shorthair is a domesticated cat breed that is known for having great agility among the recognized cat breeds in the medium-size category. This Latin American bred Shorthair is distinguishable from the American Shorthair breed through their sleek and elegant physical trait.
Grooming needs:
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British Bombay
The British Bombay is relatively new breed that is categorized as shorthair-type domestic cat breed. It is also considered as an oriental-type or Asian-type of cat breed. British Bombays share very similar traits and appearances with its American Bombay ancestors, with only minor differences.
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British Family
The British Cat Family are cats that are typically medium to large in size. Cats under the British Cat Breed Group gives an impression of both sweetness and power.
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British Longhair
The British Longhair is a domesticated cat breed that is very similar to the British Shorthair breed where it was bred from. Both British breeds share the same set of standards except for the length and texture of the coat.
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British Shorthair
The British Short Hair is a domesticated cat breed that is medium to large in size that gives an impression of both sweetness and power. It is famous worldwide for being depicted in Lewis Carroll’s classic novel Alice in Wonderland as the enigmatic and perpetually grinning Cheshire Cat. But the British Shorthair is popular around the world primarily due to its chubby profile. These cats have chipmunk-like cheeks that always offer a happy smile and a teddy bear-like body covered in a plush coat.
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The Burmese is a very old domesticated cat breed that is recognized as a pedigree by all major feline associations around the world. The Burmese cat is a different breed from the Birman or Sacred Cat of Burma.
Grooming needs:
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Burmese Family
The Burmese is a very old domesticated cat breed that is recognized as a pedigree by all major feline associations around the world. The Cat Fanciers Association or CFA recognize two different Burmese breeds. The CFA also recognize two different lines of the Burmese cat.
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The Burmilla Cat breed is essentially a Burmese type of cat. The Burmilla differs from the Burmese as these Asian Shaded cats come in a variety of coat colors that is not seen on the typical Burmese.
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The Chartreux is a domesticated cat breed that is considered to be one of the rarest domestic cats in the world today. This is a large and muscular cat of European ancestry and famous for its blue shorthaired coat color and orange or copper eyes. The breed is also popular for having a smiling face, which is a bit odd as this cat breed is known to be exceptional hunters and often used by French farmers to control the rodent population in their area.
Grooming needs:
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Chinese Li Hua
The Chinese Li Hua cat is a naturally bred domesticated feline that is only recognized by the Cat Fancier’s Association or CFA and its Chinese counterpart the Cat Aficionado Association or CAA. The Chinese Li Hua is a cat rooted to the folklore and the imperial culture of the ancient Chinese.
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The Classicat is a hybrid domesticated cat breed that is considered rare as they are almost exclusively bred only in New Zealand. This particular cat breed is very similar to the exotic and wild-like Ocicat. The difference between these cats is the coat pattern. The Ocicat has this spotted tabby coat pattern, while the Classicat (staying true to its name) has a classic tabby coat pattern.
Grooming needs:
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Colorpoint Shorthair
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a domesticated feline breed that is only recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association and the World Cat Federation. Other members of the World Cat Congress recognize this particular breed as a type or color variation of the Siamese cat breed. Also, there are various registries around the world that classify the Colorpoint Shorthair under the Siamese, Asian or Oriental cat group.
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Contemporary Balinese
The Contemporary Balinese cat is one of two types of the Balinese cat breed. This Balinese type of cat is recognized as existing by most of the major feline associations around the world. This type of cat is very similar to the Cat Fancier’s Association or CFA recognized Balinese Cat – Javanese Division or the Javanese cat variety. The Contemporary Balinese cat is considered as non-pointed cats.
Grooming needs:
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Contemporary Burmese
The Contemporary Burmese cat or modern type of Burmese is one of two distinct bloodlines of the Burmese cats. Most cat fanciers recognize these two lineages of the Burmese but officially, only a handful of feline associations have a standard for it. One such association is the Cat Fanciers Association or CFA.
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Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex is a domesticated feline breed that is basically a cat that is somewhat hairless, having no guard (outer coat) and awn (middle layer) hair but has a down hair (undercoat) that is slightly curled. This breed is very similar in appearance with the Devon Rex, except the latter breed has guard hairs and awn hairs.
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The Cymric is a domesticated cat that can be considered as a distinct and separate breed or a subgroup of the Manx cat or perhaps as variety of the Manx breed. The recognition depends highly from the different international feline organizations in the world.
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Cymric Rumpy Riser
Cymric Rumpy Riser cats are semi-long haired cats that are medium in size. This particular Cymric cat is one of four known varieties of the domesticated Cymric cat breed. All Cymric cat varieties are distinguishable from each other through the appearance and length of their tails.
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Cymric Stumpy
The Cymric Stumpy is one of four known varieties of the domesticated Cymric cat breed that is recognized by all major feline associations that accepts the Cymric as a Champion Class breed.
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Devon Rex
The Devon Rex is a short-haired domesticated cat breed that originates in England sometime during the 1960’s. These slender and wavy coated cats are famous for being capable of learning and performing difficult tricks! This cat is one of few cat breeds known today that can recognize their owner’s name. They can also recognize their own name!
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Don Sphynx
A Don Sphynx cat is one genuinely unique and very intriguing domesticated feline. These cats are completely hairless, with some types displaying various degrees of hairless, as well as showing adorable wrinkled skin!
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The Donskoy is a domesticated cat breed that is famous among cat fanciers for having wrinkled skin and for this cat’s usually hairless physical traits. This is a completely bald cat of Russian origin and officially recognized by The International Cat Fancy or TICA under the name Donskoy Cat and classified as a Preliminary New Breed.
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Egyptian Mau
The Egyptian Mau is a short-haired cat breed that may come in small to medium sizes. Among all the cats considered as natural domestic breeds, the Egyptian Mau is one of two more popular feline breeds that are naturally spotted. The other breed is the Bahrain Dilmun Cat.
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European Bombay
The European Bombay is a shorthaired domesticated cat that is Oriental in appearance and comes only in a coat color that is jet-black.
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European Burmese
The European Burmese is cat that basically belongs to the Burmese cat breeds group. This specific Burmese breed is a different breed from the Birman or Sacred Cat of Burma. A more simple explanation of the European Burmese cat breed is that these are the Burmese cats that are bred mostly in England and parts of Europe as opposed to the cats bred in America.
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European Shorthair
The European Shorthair is a domesticated cat breed that is very similar to the British Shorthair breed, but tends to be less cobby in built. These cats are also distinguishable from British Shorthairs for having tougher coats, adapting to the harsher climate and environment of Northern Europe where these cats were first bred. These domestic shorthairs of Europe are the progenitor of other cat breeds that includes the Chartreux and the Norwegian Forest.
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Exotic Family
This article is about the Exotic Cat breed family, pertaining to the different hybrid cats that are generally considered as Persian in ancestry. Today, the Exotic Cat family is composed of cats with varying names that includes Exotic, Exotic Shorthair, Exotic Longhair or Longhair Exotic.
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Exotic Longhair Cat
This article is all about the Exotic Longhair or Longhaired Exotic cat breed that is a hybrid of the Exotic Shorthair breed. These cats are different from the Persians, which is commonly recognized the longhaired Exotic cats. Although considerable very similar to the Persian cat, an Exotic Longhaired is...
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Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair cat breed is a hybrid breed of a domesticated feline. It was specifically developed and created to the shorthaired versions of the Persian Cat. This makes them very similar to the Persian and shares identical traits when it comes to temperament and appearance. The only difference of the Exotic Shorthair breed to the Persian cat is the short and dense coat.
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Foreign White Longhair
The Foreign White Longhair is essentially an Oriental-type of cat that is predominantly white coated. Although considered by some feline registries and cat breeders as the same breed as the Oriental Longhair, the all white Foreign White Longhair is registered on various major feline associations as a division of breed under the Oriental Cat breed.
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Foreign White Shorthair
The Foreign White Shorthair is basically an Oriental cat of Siamese-type that is shorthaired and purely white coated! This long, sleek and all white haired Orientals is one of the first domesticated breed have been recognized as a distinct breed or color or race of the Oriental coat after the division of the Siamese breed into several races or sub-breeds.
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German Rex
The German Rex is a domesticated cat breed that can be considered as a Rex-type cat and also a European Shorthair type. Actually, the German Rex is both, this cat breed is a European Shorthair that exhibits the similar gene of the Cornish Rex.
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Havana Brown
The Havana cat breed is described and called by various feline registries differently but is generally a domesticated cat breed with roots to the original Domestic Shorthairs that existed in the Kingdom of Siam.
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Isle of Man Family
The Isle of Man Cat Family consists of the Isle of Man Shorthair and the Isle of Man Longhair. It is only recognized officially as a distinct breed by the New Zealand Cat Fancy or NZCF.
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Isle of Man Longhair
The Isle of Man Longhair is a distinct domesticated breed that can be considered as a tail variant of the Cymric and Manx breed and is basically a fully tailed Cymric or Manx Longhair with a tail. Although it has all the features of the Cymric cat, this particular variety is considered different from the Long Tailed Cymric or Full Tailed Cymric as well as the Tailed Manx Longhair cat.
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Isle of Man Shorthair
The Isle of Man Shorthair is a distinct short coated domesticated breed that can also be considered as variant or subgroup of the Manx cat breed. This particular cat breed is basically a Manx cat with tails.
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Japanese Bobtail
This Cat Breed Guide article is about the Japanese Bobtail domesticated feline breed as recognized by World Cat Congress members’ Fédération Internationale Féline or Fife and the Cat Fancier’s Association or CFA.
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Japanese Bobtail Family
The Japanese Bobtail is recognized around the world as a distinct and naturally bred domesticated cat breed that is native to Japan. These cats are famous for having unusual or unique “bobbed” tails. These Japanese bobbed tails have tail structure that closely resembles that of the rabbit.
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Japanese Bobtail Longhair
The Japanese Bobtail Longhair may be considered to be a young breed as their recognition from international feline registries including the Cat Fancier’s Association, The International Cat Association, American Cat Association, American Association of Cat Enthusiasts, United Feline Organization, Canadian Cat Association and the American Cat Fancier’s Association happened just recently.
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Japanese Bobtail Shorthair
This article is about the Japanese Bobtail Shorthair that is recognized as one of two coat varieties by several major feline registries in the world today.
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The Cat Fancier’s Association or CFA recognizes two divisions of the Balinese cat breed. The CFA has official standers of the two varieties which are called the Balinese and the Javanese divisions. The Javanese Cat is basically a Balinese cat that is considered as non-pointed cats of this type.
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The Jungala cat is one of the youngest members of the domesticated cat family. It is basically an Ocicat but with a classic tabby pattern. This relatively young domestic cat breed is considered to be very rare and most of these cats are only seen in New Zealand.
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The Korat cat breed is considered the lucky cat of Thailand. It is famous for having a very distinctive silver-tipped blue furs that are modified oriental in built and a very eye-catching heart-shaped face.
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The LaPerm domestic cat breed is recognized internationally by the various predominant feline registries in Europe, North America and Asia. These are curly-haired cats known for having tight curly hair on their belly, throat and the base of their erected ears.
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LaPerm Longhair
The LaPerm Longhair is a medium-sized cat with a body that is moderate in type. The LaPerm Longhairs, together with the short-haired variant, originated from a naturally caused genetic mutation giving the longhaired cats a curly appearance.
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LaPerm Shorthair
The LaPerm Shorthairs is one of two coat variants that are under the LaPerm Domestic Cat Family. It is basically the same cat as the LaPerm Shorthair, with that coat length and texture serving as the distinct traits to differentiate the two.
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Long Tailed Cymric
The Long Tailed Cymric is basically a Cymric cat but with tails. It is one of four known tail varieties of the Cymric Cat. This Cymric type of cat is accepted as existing but not accepted in shows and has no official standard set like the other Cymric cat varieties.
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Longhaired Bengal
The Longhaired Bengal Cat is a lineage of the hybrid Bengal Cat breed. This particular line of Bengals is a recreation of the original mating process in the Bengal Cat’s hybridization program. The original stock to create the Bengal breed was a cross between Longhaired coated cats with the wild Asian Leopard.
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Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is considered to be a longhaired or semi-longhaired domesticated cat that is more famously called as the American Longhair. This feline breed has a distinctive physical trait and prized hunting talents that distinguishes it among other cat breeds that are locally bred in North America.
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This cat breed guide is about the Manx cat breed with short coats that is recognized as the first and original version of the tailless cat from the Isle of Man. This particular breed is simply called the Manx by the feline registries who recognizes the breed.
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Manx Family
The Manx is a breed of short-coated domestic cat that is famous for having no tail or shortened tail due to a natural and spontaneous genetic mutation. The Manx cat may come in various stub tail sizes and length but is more famous for being completely tailless.
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Manx Longhair
The Manx Longhair is technically only officially recognized by the Cat Fancier’s Association CFA and the Co-Ordinating Cat Council of Australia as a distinct Manx breed or Manx cat variety. Other international feline registries call longhaired Manx cats as the Cymric, either as a separate breed from the Manx or the official name to call longhaired Manx cats or just a similar and closely related feline breed that is a different breed from the Manx.
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Manx Rumpy
The Manx Rumpy or Rumpy Manx which can also be spelled as Rumpie, is variety of the Manx Cat breed. It is essentially a short-haired domesticated cat that lacks a tail. The tailless trait is due to a natural and spontaneous genetic mutation.
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Manx Rumpy Riser
The Manx Rumpy Riser or Rumpy Riser Manx, which can also be spelled as Rumpie, or Manx Riser / Riser Manx, is a tail variety of the domesticated feline breed called the Manx cat. This Manx cat is not tailless like the Manx Rumpy. The distinguishable trait of the Manx Rumpy Riser is a noticeable rise of bone or cartilage at the spine.
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Manx Shorthaired
This particular Cat Breed Guide is about the Manx Shorthair that is recognized officially under this name by the Cat Fancier’s Association or CFA. The CFA considers the Manx Shorthair as one of two distinct Manx Breeds that varies from each other when it comes to coat length and texture.
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Manx Stumpy
This cat breed guide is about the Manx Stumpy Cat, recognized as either a distinct Manx Breed or tail variant of the Manx cat.
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The Minskin is a young domesticated cat breed that is a hybrid of two different domestic felines. It is a result of crossing the Sphynx with the Munchkin!
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There are two recognized domestic cat breeds that are under the Munchkin Cat Breeds group. The Munchkin Shorthairs or the Munchkin Longhairs are classified as coat varieties of one distinct breed. These are cats with very short legs that can be described as very similar to those of the Dachshund.
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Munchkin Longhair
The Munchkin Longhair is the semi-longhaired coated variety of the Munchkin, a domesticated cat breed that is famous all over the international cat fancier community for their short-legs that resembles that of the Dachshund dog breed.
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Munchkin Shorthair
The Munchkin Shorthair is the short-haired coat variety of the breed famous for their short-legged physical traits that resembles that of the Dachshund dog breed. These shortened legs make the Munchkin Shorthair develop a ferret like gait.
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The Nebelung is a domesticated cat breed that is considered one of the youngest in today’s ever growing domestic cat family and also one of the rarest breeds.
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Norwegian Forest
The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed of domesticated feline that is native to the region of Northern Europe, specifically in the Scandinavian countries that includes Finland, Sweden and Norway. These cats are naturally bred and has adapted successfully to this part of the world that is known to having a very cold and often freezing climate.
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The Ocicat is a purely a domesticated cat breed that may look like a hybrid but surprisingly, it has no wild cat DNA in its genes. The wild appearance is brought by the very unique spotted coat seen on wild cats. The Ocicat is slightly larger than the average domestic cat.
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The long and sleek Oriental Cats have captured the attention and admiration of the international cat fanciers’ community since its initial development in the 1950’s.
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Oriental Longhair
The Oriental Longhair cat breed proves that “there is no such thing as too much of a good thing”. This hybrid domestic cat breed was developed from the first and very controversial Oriental Shorthair hybrid. The shorthair’s hybridization was initially resented by various cat breeders as they felt another Siamese hybrid will gravely affect the original pedigree and rallied for restrictions or non-recognition of the Oriental Longhair’s breeding development.
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Oriental Short Hair
The Oriental Short-hair, or simply called as the Oriental cat is considered to be the first and original Oriental Cat that is among the top most popular domesticated feline breeds in the world today.
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The Persian Cat Breed group is one of the world’s most popular breeds and is also believed to be one of the oldest.
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The Peterbald is another hairless cat breed that originates from Russia. These are medium sized cats that can be described as somewhat Sphynx-like with an oriental-type body.
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The Ragdoll is a domesticated cat breed that is famous for having blue eyes and a unique and very distinctive Colorpoint color.
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The Russian Cat Breed group generally consists of cats that are recognized as naturally domesticated feline breeds that originate in Russia. Today, there are several Russian-type cats that are recognized by most of the international feline registries.
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The Scottish Cat Breed Group generally consists of shorthaired and semi-longhaired types of cats that have folded ears or prick-eared and can trace their origins to the breed that originated in Scotland.
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The Siamese Cat Breed Group consists of various oriental-type of cats that are typically medium in size and are elegant in appearance.
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The Somali is a domesticated cat breed that is basically a longhaired Abyssinian cat. Before being recognized as a distinct and separate breed from the Abyssinian, long-haired kittens have been appearing in Abyssinian litters.
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Sphynx Cat
The Sphynx Cat is world renown for being one just a handful of domesticated cats that is absolutely bald or hairless.
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Tailed Manx
The Tailed Manx cat breed that some associates with the Isle of Man cats that comes in Short-hair and Longhair varieties and recognized as a distinct breed by the New Zealand Cat Fancy NZCF.
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Tailed Manx Short Hair
Technically speaking, the Tailed Manx Short hair is not an official Manx cat breed as it is not recognized and accepted in cat shows by almost all international feline registries.
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Tasman Manx Cat
The Tasman Manx is a curly-haired coated domestic cat breed that can technically be called a variant, sub-breed or coat type of the Manx cat breed.
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The Toyger cat breed was first developed to specifically resemble the wild and exotic appearance of the tiger.
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Traditional Balinese Cat
The traditional Balinese cat is basically very similar to the Siamese Cat, from which that Balinese breed was bred out of.
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Traditional Burmese Cat
The Traditional Burmese Cat is not a breed but a strain, type or lineage of the Burmese Cat breed.
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Turkish Angora
The Turkish Angora is a domesticated cat breed that is believed to be several thousands of years old. This particular breed is among the original long-haired cats that first arrived in the European continent...
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Turkish Van
The Turkish Van is the domesticated breed that was formerly called as the generic Turkish Cat breed. It is not the same as the Van cat or and also different to the Turkish Angora cat breed and the Turkish Vankedisi cat breed.
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Turkish Van
The Turkish Van is the domesticated breed that was formerly called as the generic Turkish Cat breed. It is not the same as the Van cat or and also different to the Turkish Angora cat breed and the Turkish Vankedisi cat breed.
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Turkish Vankedisi
The Turkish Vankedisi is a domesticated breed that is essentially a Turkish Van, but it comes with pure white coats! This cat breed is different from the Turkish Angora and in some parts of the world, a separate breed from the Turkish Van.
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Ukrainian Levkoy
The Ukrainian Levkoy originated from Ukraine in the year 2000. The pioneer breeding credits of the Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed goes to Ms. Elena Biriukova, who initiated an experimental breeding or hybridization program by crossing the hairless Don Spynxh with the Scottish Fold. Ms. Biriukova also added lineages of the Oriental and Domestic cats into the mix.
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The Affenpinscher is one of the popular toy dog breeds today. These little cuties are known for being "corky", scruffy and goofy. Affenpinscher dogs can be considered tiny balls of spunky-ness. Of all the toy dog breeds, Affens are considered to be total goof balls! Getting an Affenpinscher is getting a dog that loves to goof around! The goofiness is not just seen in their personality. It can also be seen in their appearance!
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Afghan Hound
When you adopt an Afghan hound, you get a dog that is famous worldwide for its aristocratic appeal and regal allure! The Afghan Hound is a breed that is oozing with aristocracy and dignified beauty. They are known for being one of the flashiest and super posh dogs ever, making this dog on the list of top show-dog breeds. But beauty and class are not the only thing that the Afghan Hound is famous for, they were bred to be prized hunters on rugged terrain!
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African Lion Hound
The African Lion Hound breed got its name for their impressive capability to hunt and go against the African Lion! Today, the African Lion Hound is still an efficient hunting dog but it is not as ferocious as the breed's name suggest.
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A dog breed which is indigenous to the African continent, the Africanis or African Dog is "THE" hunting dogs of Africa. They possesses unbelievable stamina which topped by this breed's superior intelligence. Loyal and courageous by nature, the African Dog breed is playful and highly social, making them great companions for the entire family.
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The Aidi dog breed is called by several names from Chien de l’Atlas, the Atlas Sheepdog, Atlas Shepherd Dog and the Atlas Mountain Hound. Regardless of what name you call this dog breed, the Aidi is one powerful, agile and hardworking herding dog.
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Are you looking for a rare breed of dog? Adopt an Ainu Dog is what you should do! Rare, can hunt bears and designated as a Japanese Natural Monument, the Ainu Dog is an awesome breed! This breed is extremely rare, with only a hand few seen outside Japan. The Ainu dog numbers less than 12,000 in its native country. Originally, the Ainu Dog was bred to hunt big game animals. More specifically, this breed was developed to hunt down bears! But aside from being a bear hunter, the Ainu Dog is also a guard dog and an excellent working dog as well.
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Airedale Terrier
Airedale Terrier Dog Breed Guide. Are you thinking to adopt an Airedale Terrier for a pet? Well, if you are an outdoorsy type, the "King of Terriers", as it is called for being the largest of all the terrier breeds, is perfectly for you. The Airedale Terrier is just perfect for those sporty types of people who are looking for a pet which that is just jam-packed with energy. A typical Airedale Terrier just loves the outdoors and adores running, playing, fetching and getting their paws dirty under the sun. They are great companions on outdoor activities such as hiking, hunting as well as excellent jogging mates. So if you are looking for a dog for couch cuddling, the clownish and feisty Airedale terrier breed is not for you.
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The Akbash Dog is one of the most protective breeds in the dog world. But do not be alarmed, these dogs' fierce protective instincts are not towards humans. They were bred to be natural guardians for their human companions and protector of their properties. This breed has been known for centuries as a great working dog that protects and guards their love ones. They are known to go against wolves and other predators as well as be gentle herders for sheep and other livestock. It is also one of the rarest and oldest dog breeds out there.
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Akita Inu
For dog lovers who are considering to adopt an Akita, you should know that there are two types of this breed. The two types are the Akita Inu, or commonly called the Japanese Akita, and the American Akita. This particular Dog Breeds Guides article will talk about the Akita Inu.
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Alano Espanol
The Alano Espanol or commonly known outside Spain as the Spanish Alano is a large dog breed. This breed was bred and developed by the Spaniards to handle wild cattle, hunt big game animals, guard and defend territories, bull fighting as well as for war. All these made the Alano Espanol one very tough breed. The Alano Espanol might not win you with his primitive looks and alarming breeding development, but they are more than just large cattle handlers.
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Alapaha Bulldog
Thinking of adopting a dog? If you are looking for a large bull dog type of pet, then to adopt an Alapaha Bulldog is probably one of the best choices among the large dog breeds. Known officially as the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, these are truly big bull dogs at heart. Their appearance might by comical, a trademark look of the mastiff breeds which can be called bulldogs, but the Alapaha Bulldog are serious diligent guard dogs. The Alapaha Bulldog are always eager to work and always game to play.
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Alaskan Husky
Adopting dogs that belongs to the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute breed is on the rise. But to adopt an Alaskan Husky, cousin to the first two breeds are not that often seen. This is sad because among the three, the Alaskan Husky dog can be considered as the calmest. Calm and friendly towards their families, a bit too curious with strangers and considered as very gentle. This breed is not great in guarding, the Alaskan Husky barks rarely. But they are great as family pets, although having toddlers and pet cats isn't exactly recommended.
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Alaskan Klee Kai
A lively, excellent watchdog and naturally territorial companion is what to expect when you decide to adopt an Alaskan Klee Kai. There are three variants of this northern dog breed, standard, toy and miniature sizes, all of which are formidable watchdogs. They are often mistaken to be Alaskan huskies or Siberian huskies, but the Alaskan Klee Kai is more compact in size and friendlier and can tolerate hot weather and small living environments. The AKK as it is fondly called are docile and very affectionate dogs, friendly towards family but a bit reserved towards strangers. Over all they are perfect pet companions to have.
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Alaskan Malamute
Wolf-like in appearance and in stance, the Alaskan Malamute is one strong and big-boned northern breed of dog. This breed is the working class of all the husky breeds which are famous for being lean and quick arctic dogs. Unlike the Siberian and Alaskan huskies, the Alaskan Malamute dogs are huge sled dog that weren't used for racing. They do the “dirty jobs” sledding big cargo from one point to another. Like their very distant cousins, the wolves, they are covered in thick weather proof coating and their frames are huge with solid bone structures. Alaskan Malamutes are domesticated and a breed who loves to goof around, play rowdy and has a tendency to be rowdy when surrounded by the pack. But overall, the largest of the arctic dogs carry themselves with dignity and power.
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Alopekis Dog
The dog world's jack of all trades, but sadly, master of none, the Alopekis Dog are known across the Mediterranean as "multum in parvo", which roughly translated to "much in a little". That is exactly what this breed of dog is, a small package stuffed full of dogginess.
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Alpine Dachsbracke
Originally called Badger Dogs, the short-legged and elongated Alpine Dachsbracke Dogs are often mistaken as Dachshunds. The difference? Alpine Dachsbracke are longer. But don't be fooled by their elongated frame, this breed are robust, strong boned and firm muscled dogs that are excellent hunting partners!
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Ambullneo Mastiff
A big and muscular hulk of a dog, Ambullneo Mastiff dogs carry themselves with such grace, showing agile motions and great strength with their very confident stance. This is impressive to see from a heavily muscled dog that looks like a gym rat in steroids. But that intimidating physicality only shows his strength, not his demeanor. Among the giant mastiff breeds, the Am-bullneo Mastiff are highly intelligent and always eager to please their master. Unfortunately due to this exact trait, the obedient Ambullneo Mastif dog breed are often abused and bred to be fighting dogs. They are not naturally violent and should be rescued from abusive owners.
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American Akita
Large, powerful, alert and equipped with solid and heavy bone structure, the American Akita is a force to reckon with at first glance. They are truly massive but their bodies are well proportioned. The American Akita was originally developed to be a fighting dog, but today it is known as one of the best guard and watch dogs to have! It is important to know that there are two types of Akitas. The original Akita Inu or Japanese Akita and the American Akita which will be tackled on this dog breed guide.
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American Allaunt
An imposing first impression is what to expect when seeing The American Allaunt for the very first time. The breed's sheer size and muscular stance commands respect. This working dog is all about strength and power matched with impressive speed and agility.
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American Alsatian
Considered to be a rare dog breed, the American Alsatian is among the largest companion breeds today. Looking more wolf than dog, they actually resemble the extinct Dire Wolf, Alsatians are the end result of crossing the purebreds which are the Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd, English Mastiff, Alaskan Malamute and the German Shepherd.
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American Bandogge Mastiff
The American Bandogge Mastiff, a giant dog that is famous for being prominently muscled and impressively athletic and agile. This breed got its name from England. Bandog is the generic termed used by the Saxons to describe any bulldog-type Mastiff. It comes from the word Banda, Saxon for chain, which are often used to train these giant dog breeds.
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American Black and Tan Coonhound
A large, well-muscled scent hound with a body that is just a bit longer than their stature, The American Black and Tan Coonhound are one of the most hardworking trackers of the entire hound breeds. A true American breed, these hounds were the first ever dogs to land the distinguish honor of being America's First Dogs. No less than America's founding father and first President George Washington gave them that honor as he was fond of this breed and named them Tipsy, Tippler, Taster Drunkard and among others.
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American Blue Gascon Hound
They are the master of the scent hound breeds, an impressive title consider that this group of dogs who were specifically bred to have amazing smelling abilities. The American Blue Gascon Hound dog goes by many names. But they are famously called the Big'n Blue, the American Blue Gascon Hound dog breed was created just a couple of decades ago. They got their nick name from a hound breed which is famous for perseverance, skills on hunting prey and stamina.
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American Blue Lacy
Only a few of our canine buddies can proudly say that they are a National Icon. The American Blue Lacy can and they have their own Senate Resolution to prove it. Officially designated by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas through Senate Resolution 108, Blue Lacy is the lone star's official State Dog Breed. These herding and hunting dogs thrived in the Southwest as excellent farm hands and ranch workers. Stories of their impressive herding abilities are legendary. It is said the one Lacy dog can do the work of five cowboys, which is actually not hard to imagine. They are intelligent, fast, energetic, obedient and eager to get their paws dirty from hard work.
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American Bull Mastiff
The American Bull Mastiff, the name alone is conveys confidence and competence, which is what this breed exactly, is. They are not purebred, the ABM, a nick it shares with their cousins the American Bull Molloser, is a hybrid dog. They are mixtures of Alaunt varieties of German Mastiffs and American Bulldog or White English Bulldog bloodlines. The breed has some likeness with the Bandogs, but more identical in looks with the South African Boer Boel. Like all the mastiff dogs, American Bull Mastiff's share the characteristics and traits of the Molosser dogs, huge, gritty and always armed with the serious poker face expression.
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American Bull Molosser
A great family protector is the primary trait of the American Bull Mollosser or the ABM. It is truly hard to miss these fellows as they are armed with those big head and broad forehead. The American Bull Molloser is a menacing hulk and muscular brute to look at, but they are very friendly to his family and will show their affection.
Grooming needs:
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American Bulldog
Social, loving family members, an American Bulldog may be a great choice for those with children.
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American Bullnese
The American Bullnese is a natural clown, known for its sense of humor and antics. These are true companion dogs who prefer cuddling to playing ball -- they make excellent lap warmers.
Grooming needs:
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American Bully
Considered to be one of the youngest of all American bred bulldogs, the American Bully is stocky and strong dog who is always happy, outgoing, confident and very stable. Their menacing good looks might not show it, but the American Bully is a gentle and loving dog that is not aggressive towards people. These dogs are inherently good natures and are born to please. They are extremely courageous and considered to be one intelligent guard dog to have. They have this impressive athletic body that is muscular and much defined, showing off the strength and agility it possesses.
Grooming needs:
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American Cocker Spaniel
Famously called as the "Merry" Cocker, American Cocker Spaniel is a breed that is always eager to please their human family. When you choose to adopt an American Cocker Spaniel, you'll be getting a dog that is playful, sensitive, sweet, very amiable and happy to give joy to their owners with her cute antics. Although this breed came from a long line of hunting dogs, the American Cocker Spaniel has not retained the famous hunting instincts of her other spaniel cousins. But their curious nature does show, especially during country outing trips.
Grooming needs:
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American Crested Sand Terrier
The American Crested Sand Terriers are among the pure terriers dogs known in the dog breed world. American Crested Sand Terriers are known to be hypoallergenic! This hairless terrier breed got its name from their sandy colored skin. It comes in mostly soft beige or white skin color, both color variants come with pink noses.
Grooming needs:
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American Eskimo Dog, Miniature Size
There are three varieties to pick from if you are to adopt an American Eskimo Dog. This northern dog breeds included in the Spitz family are so popular that three varieties were developed, the Standard, the Toy and the Miniature sized Eskies. There's bound to be the perfect American Eskimo size for everyone as this dog breed are just naturally pleasing to have whatever their size are.
Grooming needs:
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American Eskimo Dog, Standard Size
For those of you who are about to adopt an American Eskimo Dog, here are some helpful details to prepare! The American Eskimo Dog breeds are so beautiful, breeders ended up creating three several of this Nordic type of dog breed! The three variants are toy, miniature and standard! On this dog breed guide, we will be focusing on the Standard American Eskimo Dog!
Grooming needs:
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American Eskimo Dog, Toy Size
Tiniest of the three variants, the Toy Eskimo Dog is just a small bundle of fun and obedience. This Tiny Spitz are always eager to please and can brighten up your day with their affection. The Toy Eskimo Dog is the tiniest among the three Eskies, a nick to call this Nordic dog breed. Standing between 9 to 12 inches and weighing 10 pounds max. But their tiny frames doesn't make them any lesser than the Standard and Miniature varieties. Sometime they are even more tenacious!
Grooming needs:
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American Foxhound
Historically, the American Foxhound breed has a special place for America, with no less than George Washington as one of its pioneer owners. This breed is also known for its musicality. Yes, the American Hound can be considered as somewhat of a musician for its musical howl, which can be heard miles away. It was armed with an excellent nose and a total speedster when giving chase, the American Foxhound are dogs with outstanding stamina. They are very similar to their distant cousins the American Foxhound. The American Foxhound breed are lighter, taller, faster and keener with it comes to scents. This breed are agile watchdogs which were created to excel in hunting and tracking!
Grooming needs:
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American Hairless Terrier
They are considered to be pure terriers, less the hair! The American Hairless Terrier is a small dog breed jam-packed with enough liveliness, being feisty and fearless to fill a giant dog. The AHT are perfect for individuals who cannot tolerate even those breeds that are known to be hypoallergenic dogs. In build, the American Hairless Terrier may look similar to the Rat Terrier, this is because the breed is their direct progenitor. For such a small dog, they are well-muscled, showing strong shoulders, a solid neck and very powerful legs!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
American Indian Dog
A working, nurturing and very versatile dog breed, The American Indian Dog is one of the ancient breeds still existing today. They should not be confused with the Native American Dog or NAID, and should be treated as a separate breed.
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American Kyi Apso
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American Labrador Retriever
American Labrador Retrievers are one of two types of Labrador Retriever dogs that are being bred today. The other Lab breed is called the English Labrador Retriever. American types are bred in the continental United States while the English types are bred within the British Isles. The American Lab types are also known to be taller than the English Labs. They are also leaner Labs.
Grooming needs:
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American Lo-Sze Pugg
The American Lo-Sze Pugg™ may be tiny, but it just oozing with all the love to give that a larger dog can. It's a big dog, in his mind, with all the perks of a large dog but compact and very easy to carry. The American Lo-Sze Pugg™ is quite a jester, showing a winsome and clownish attitude.
Grooming needs:
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American Mastiff
A mastiff that does not drool! That is the American Mastiff! Their development started in Ohio, where a need to produce an average sized Mastiff which is perfect for indoors, meaning a mastiff with a tighter lower lip line which does not drool!
Grooming needs:
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American Mastiff Panja
A breed that has a very "interesting" history, American Mastiff Panja dogs was bred to be intimidating guard dogs. The first breeders? Detroit drug dealers. They were first developed to intimidate the patrons of these drug dealers, guard and protect their master but also allow people coming in. It is a scare tactic which really makes the American Mastiff Panja's reputation as bad and violent dog. Truthfully, the dog is a menace to look at, but they are known to be devoted family guard dogs that will go to great lengths to protect and defend.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terriers earned the title of America’s Dog back in the day for this breed’s exceptional attitude on being eager to please as well as the breed’s intelligence, loyalty and affection. Unfortunately, American Pit Bulls has gained a notorious reputation for being an overtly aggressive breed.
Grooming needs:
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American Staffordshire Terrier
Very much like its very close cousins, the American Pit Bull Terrier, The American Staffordshire Terrier are medium-size, compact, stocky and very muscular. They have this proud stance and an air of seriousness, which is just the exact opposite as this terrier dog breed are gentle and very friendly.
Grooming needs:
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American Staghound
American Staghounds are considered one of the most uncommon and hardest to find dogs in the world today!
Grooming needs:
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American Toy Terrier
The American Toy Terrier is exactly the same as the bigger and larger Fox Terrier. This toy dog breed was specifically bred down from the Fox Terriers, to create a smaller and compact dog but still retain all the traits, gameness and well tempered attributes of their larger Fox terrier cousins.
Grooming needs:
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American Treeing Feist
Although recognized by many as a type of dog, American Treeing Feist is perceived to be as not a specific breed. American breeders say otherwise, they are a specific breed and should be treated like the "Lurcher", which is often use to describe various Lurcher like dogs. In the USA there are currently three different varieties of this Terrier, the Mountain Feist, the Bench-legged Feist and the Pencil-tail Feist. To adapt an American Treeing Feist, may it be any of the three varieties is to adapt a dog that is high-spirited and very lovable.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
American Water Spaniel
Great swimmers and a state icon, American Water Spaniels are one of a few dogs that can be called an American original. A water spaniel that is hardy and well muscled even for their size, the American Water Spaniel earned the distinction of being the Official Dog of The State of Wisconsin. The citizens of Wisconsin selected this active and cheerful spaniel breed gave it well deserved recognition in 1985. Beside that State Dog stature, the American Water Spaniel is also the first ever spaniel breed developed in the United States to create an all around hunting dog that can dive out and climb in small boats to retrieve small game animals.
Grooming needs:
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American White Shepherd
The American White Shepherd dog breed can be describe as exactly similar to the German Shepherd Dog, with only one major difference. The American White Shepherd has only one coat color, Snowy White.
Grooming needs:
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Amitola Bulldog
Rare and truly hard to find. The Amitola Bulldog should resemble the more heavy duty English bulldog, without the problems plaguing the larger bulldogs. Ironically, for a breed that is rare to find, there are currently three variants of this breed.
Grooming needs:
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Anatolian Shepherd Dog
The Anatolian Shepherd dog is a giant of a dog breed and serves as Turkey's all purpose utility dog. It has been used for several thousands of years as livestock guardians, large enough to protect the herd as well as their human masters from marauding predators and of course, prized herding dogs of the Anatolian people.
Grooming needs:
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Andalusian Podenco
Spaniard in origin, The Andalusian Podenco or commonly known as the Andalusia Hound has two distinct classification, each with three variants. They are classified by size and by type of coat.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Blanc et Orange
These are the medium sized-scent hounds that resulted by crossing the medium sized French scent hounds such as the Poitevin and Porcelain dog breeds. Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Blanc et Orange dogs are those with white coats and orange markings.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie
This article will talk about the de Moyenne varieties that are white and orange or fully orange coated Anglo-Francais dogs. Orange is the color used to described dog coating that has a tan or slightly red hue. They are formally called The Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Blanc et Orange.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Blanc et Noir
The Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie dog breed is one of many varieties of Anglos-Francaises dogs that were developed by crossing the lines of English fox hounds and those of the French scent hounds. Among the Anglos-Francais dogs, the de Moyenne Venerie is the medium sized dog.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Tricolore
These are the medium sized-scent hounds that resulted by crossing the medium sized French scent hounds such as the Poitevin and Porcelain dog breeds. Anglo-Francais de Moyenne Venerie Tricolore or Tricolored dogs are those with white coats and black and orange markings.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie
The Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie is one of three varieties of dogs that is included in the Anglos-Francaises scent hound family. They are the smallest in this group and are available in three different variants as well:
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Blanc et Noir
The Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Blanc et Noir or Black and White is one of three varieties of Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie dogs. This particular dog group is also one of three varieties that are included in the Anglos-Francaises scent hound family. These French and English hound dogs breed are one of the rarest in the world.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Blanc et Orange
The Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Blanc et Orange or White and Orange is one of three varieties of Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie dogs. This particular dog group is also one of three varieties that are included in the Anglos-Francaises scent hound family. These French and English hound dogs breed are one of the rarest in the world.
Grooming needs:
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Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Tricolore
The Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie Tricolore dog breed is one of three varieties of the Petite Anglo-Francais dogs that were originally bred during the 16th century in France. They are the variety of Anglo-Francais de Petite dogs that have three colors on their coats.
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Anglo-French and French Hounds
Anglo-French and French Hounds are hunting dogs that are also called Anglo-Francais and Francais hounds that were cross bred and developed from French and English hound breeds.
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Anglos-Francais Dogs
All of the Anglo-Francais dog varieties originate from France where breeders developed these hound dogs by crossing various lines of both English and French hound dogs. The Grand Anglo-Francais and all its variety are the largest of these hounds. They are the result of cross breeding the larger French hounds with the Foxhounds of Britain.
Grooming needs:
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A square built dog that is powerful as it is large; the Appenzeller Mountain Dog is Switzerland's ancient giant. They are considered to be among the really ancient purebreds existing today and originally used to herd or flock dogs. Today, these tall and dominant Swiss mastiffs serve various purposes from police work, property guardians and considered good watchdogs for families.
Grooming needs:
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Argentinean Mastiff
The Argentinean Mastiff is a reliable dog that is affectionate with friends and family but wary with strangers. It is bright and likes to be the apple of everyone’s eyes. This Argentinean dog breed is considered to be very easy to train and will enjoy the company of children.
Grooming needs:
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Ariege Pointing Dog
Ariege Pointer Dogs or the Ariege Pointer is a French gun dog that is used as pointer. In France, they are called the Braque de l’Ariège. This breed is considered one of the ancient and oldest French hunting dog breed still in existing today. The Ariege Pointer is considered as one of France’s National Heritage.
Grooming needs:
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Regarded highly by the French for their endurance, Ariegeois (pronounced Ar-ERZH-wa) are believed to have superior stamina especially when compared to other hounds of its size. They are considered one of the rare breeds in existence today and most of its current population can be seen in France.
Grooming needs:
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Armant Dog
The medium-sized herding dog breed Armant is more popularly known as the Egyptian Sheepdog. They were not originally bred as sheep herders, but as guard dogs!
Grooming needs:
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Armenian Gampr
Worshiped as a dog-deity, used by the Soviets to breed a superior race of Red Star dogs, and even featured on Anatolia's s postal stamp, the Armenian Gampr has really gone through a lot. It has won our hearts with their looks and absolute devotion as family working dog breed.
Grooming needs:
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Artois Hound
The Artois Hound is considered to be among the rarest dog breed today with a population that is estimated to be below 500. They are one of the best European dog breed when it comes to hunting hare.
Grooming needs:
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Arubian Cunucu Dog
The Arubian Cunucu Dog’s precise origin is unclear but dog historians believe that they are an ancient breed. These are Pariah dogs. These are not considered wild dogs but are known to be a primitive breed. Like most Pariah dog breeds, the Arubian Cunucu Dog’s are moderately built and have wedge shaped head with pricked ears much like the Carolina Dog breed.
Grooming needs:
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Aryan Molossus
The Aryan Molossus dog breed is one of the rarest mastiff breed today. This breed is so rare that there is no official data recorded when it comes to its population. These Afghan bred giant dogs were used as fighting dogs, not for blood sports, but to settle differences, disputes and arguments between two tribes.
Grooming needs:
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Australian Bulldog
Australian Bulldogs are the youngest dog breed in the bulldog family. They are slightly larger in height and weight, to the British bulldog. These bulldogs from down under are great family companions enjoying affection from its owners. They should not show aggression towards people at any times.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Australian Cattle Dog
If you do decide to adopt an Australian Cattle Dog, you are adopting a breed that earned a place in the Guinness World Records. In 2004, Bluey, a purebred Australian Cattle dog held the record as the world's longest lived domesticated canines. This dog was herded cattle and sheep in the Australian Outback for almost two decades before passing away at the age of 29 years and fine months. That's how enduring these dogs are!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Australian Kelpie
A dog that is proud to have the distinction of carrying an entire continent's economy on his back, the Australian Kelpie is truly an Aussie icon. These dogs Down Under are known to be workaholics and tireless when put to work! To adopt an Australian Kelpie is to adopt a dog that is considered that most popular and most successful working dog in the entire world. So having them as stay at home pets just won't do!
Grooming needs:
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Australian Koolie
The Australian Koolie can trace its origins during the 1800's in Australia. These dogs were bred to be all around working dogs. They were once called German Collie dogs as they share similar physical traits. These multi-purpose dogs were bred and used in various tasks including herding a variety of livestock such as sheep, cattle, goats, horses and fowl.
Grooming needs:
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Australian Labradoodle
Australian Labradoodles are dogs not considered as a breed, but a hybrid or a mix. Regardless of their recognition status as a breed of its own, fanciers of the Labradoodles created three different distinctions of the hybrid.
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Australian Shepherd
Smart, energetic, and playful, but will herd (even your kids). They need lots of long walks, socialization, and plenty of chew toys.
Grooming needs:
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Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
Although they are cousins, the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog is a not the same breed as the Australian Cattle Dog. The Stumpy Tail is said to be a cross between as dingo and the Smithfield, the first type of cattle dog used by the Australian ranchers. This original cross resulted in the Timmins Biter, which was a crossed with the blue-merle, smooth coated Collie, It lacks the Australian Kelpie cross found in the Australian Cattle Dog.
Grooming needs:
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Australian Terrier
The smallest working dog ever, and Australia's first ever original breed, the Australian Terrier are natural-born diggers and will stop at nothing to catch small games such as rodents, snakes and various number of other animals.
Grooming needs:
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Austrian Brandlbracke
The Austrian Brandlbracke got its from combining the words "Brand" which is roughly translated to harmful fire, and "Bracke" which is a type of hunting dog in English.
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Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher
Originally developed as farm dog that can do guardian tasks and livestock driving, the Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher earned the nickname "Farm Biter", as this was the dog's primary way to drive livestock towards the right destination!
Grooming needs:
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Austrian Smooth Haired Hound
The Austrian Smooth Haired Hound or simply the Austrian Hound is a scent hound originating in Austria. They are hound dogs that share very similar traits and appearance to most German hound breeds, but Austrian breeders are adamant that this breed is purely and 100% Austrian! They are dogs that are believed to be the descendants of the Celtic hound dog breed that were used for various hunting tasks and even during times of war. These scent hounds are equipped with highly developed noses and capable of being completely silent when hunting.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Azawakh Hound
To adopt an an Azawakh Hound (pronounced OZ-a-wahk), is to adopt a rare breed know for its beauty and elegance. They are sight hounds which give off an air of great refinement. Refine they are, but those long legs are very useful. They are exceptionally fast with it, racing up to 37 mile per hour or 60 kilometers per hour.
Grooming needs:
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Bakharwal Dog
The Bakharwal Dog is considered to be the indigenous dog breed of the Himalayas, originating in the Pir Panjal mountain ranges of the hilly region of Northern India. Indian legends tell that these dogs are the direct descendants of ancient wolves that were crossed with various sheepdogs local to the area. These dogs were exclusively kept by the Muslim nomads called Gujjars. They used this dog breed for livestock protection and guard dogs against bears and wolves.
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Banjara Greyhound
The Banjara Greyhound is an Indian dog breed known to have the speed of a Greyhound and the stamina of a Collie!
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Banter Bulldogge
The Banter Bulldogge is relatively a very young dog breed having bred only in the late 90's. Credit for pioneering this breed goes to a Mr. Todd Tripp who is a native of Ohio State.
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The Barak dog breed originates from Bosnia and believed to be first developed sometime during the 1890's. This Bosnian scent hound breed's official name is Bosanski Ostrodlaki Gonic Barak which is roughly translated in English as the Bosnian Coarse-haired Hound dog. They were bred to be hunters of large game. Barak dogs are the product of local Bosnian dogs that were crossed with the Italian gun dog breeds. Some dog experts believe that lineages of the Croat bred Istrian Short-haired hounds were put into the mix. Barak's are very common in Bosnia but is considered very rare outside their native country.
Grooming needs:
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Barbet dogs is the French all around dog, from commoners to nobles, this wool-like coated aquatic hunters can and will attract your attention and affection. The French aristocrats as trendsetters made them the popular choice of the European nobility when it comes to hunting. They were also bred for hunting and flocking, but their most popular usage is at sea. This sea worthy canines is the seaman's best friend for their abilities to retrieve and perform various tasks while at sea!
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Barger Stock Feist
The Barger Stock Feist is one variety of American bred Feist dogs. These are "feisty" dogs that are belligerent and energetic when hunting game!
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An ancient breed which earned the nickname African Barkless Dog for their yodeling instead of barking, the Basenji dogs of Zaire is a breed has enjoyed popularity for being great hunting dogs since the time of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
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Basset Artesien Normand
The Basset Artesien Normand (pronounced Bas-SAY Ar-TESS-ee-en Nor-MAN), has this short stumpy feet and long body length, long ears and walks with a wobble due to the shortness of their legs. But their comical appearance has a purpose, the French breeders who created them the way they are today wanted a muscular and highly skilled scent hound which can follow small preys in very small spaces!
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Basset Bleu de Gascogne
The Basset Bleu de Gascogne, pronounced Bas-SAY- Bluh day Gas-CONE, is a French original. Also called the Basset Bleu, they got their names from their short coat which is white with black ticking and black patches, giving a bluish effect.
Grooming needs:
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Basset Fauve de Bretagne
Basset Fauve de Bretagne, don't be discouraged pronouncing this dog breed's name. It is pronounced Bas-SAY Fove day bre-Tan-ye. This French created hunting dog breed combines all the positive traits from its progenitors, the Griffon Fauve de Bretagne. The Basset Fauve de Bretagne has proven itself as one of the best hunters when it comes to rabbits and hares.
Grooming needs:
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Basset Hound
Basset Hounds are loveable, stubborn, intelligent and independent. These sturdy dogs need frequent baths and weekly ear cleanings to avoid infection.
Grooming needs:
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Bavarian Mountain Hound
The Bavarian Mountain Hound may look like a lightly built dog, but it is truly a muscular canine that is longer than it is tall! Developed in the mountainous areas of the German countryside Bavaria, this scent hound is one of Germany’s most popular dog breeds.
Grooming needs:
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Friendly, happy, social dogs who love to eat, Beagles are scent hounds and need to be kept from following their noses right out the door!
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Bearded Collie
The Bearded Collie is considered to be one of the oldest of Britain's native dog breeds, but only became popular across the Atlantic during 1967, the year where first USA dog breeders started to breed them. This dog is famous for its "bounce", showing their high level of energy while strutting along.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Bedlington Terrier
If you are looking for a breed that would be a great pet for allergy sufferers, choosing to adopt a Bedlington Terrier will be a life changing experience. These terriers from Great Britain are hypoallergenic dogs which are one of the best choices for people prone to allergic reaction but have been dreaming of having a pet dog.
Grooming needs:
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Bedouin Shepherd Dog
The Bedouin Shepherd Dog has two types, the Large and the Small variety. Large Bedouin Shepherds are used as camp guard dogs. Small Bedouin Shepherds are used as herding dogs. The two types have different skills and physical attributes but share the same temperament.
Grooming needs:
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Belgian Griffon
Named after their country of origin, Belgian Griffon dogs were developed as a purebred during the 19th century. These dogs were specifically created to be efficient rat hunters. It is believed to have been created by crossing various lines of several dog breeds including the English Toy Spaniels, Affenpinschers and the Pug. Today they are no longer rat hunters and are now famous for being companion dogs.
Grooming needs:
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Belgian Mastiff
The original Belgian Mastiffs are dogs believed to have been extinct for years now. Some dog breeders think otherwise. They believe that specimens of the original mastiff from Belgium still exists and the modern Belgian Mastiff is being re-created and re-developed with these specimens. Belgian Mastiffs are so strong that they can match horses in pulling carts!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Belgian Shepherd Groenendael
Named after the village of Groenendael in Belgium, the Belgian Shepherd Groenendael differs from his other three siblings by having a long, straight, medium length and heavy outer coat. Beside their distinctive coats, the Belgian Groenendael’s size and weight are similar to the Belgian Laekenois, Belgian Malinois and Belgian Tervuren .
Grooming needs:
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Belgian Shepherd Laekenois
The Belgian Laekenois is the rarest of the four varieties of the Belgian sheepdogs. The dogs are the Belgian Laekenois, Belgian Groenendael, Belgian Malinois, and the Belgian Tervuren. They differentiate themselves from the other Belgian Shepherd varieties by their rough and wiry coating.
Grooming needs:
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Belgian Shepherd Malinois
A native of the Belgian city of Malines where it got its name, Belgian Malinois are one of four varieties of the Belgian Shepherds recognized today by USA standards. This breed is different from the other four by having smooth and short-haired coating.
Grooming needs:
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Belgian Shepherd Tervuren
Belgian Tervuren dog breed is just one of four varieties of the Belgian Shepherds. There’s the Tervuren, the Groenendael, the Malionois and the Laeknois. They are considered to be similar in size and weight, but each Belgian shepherd have different coat. The Tervuren has the long and straight heavy outer coating that is medium in length and a dense undercoat.
Grooming needs:
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Belgian Shorthaired Pointer
The Belgian Shorthaired Pointer or also called the Braque Belge is nearly extinct and has been deleted from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale lists of recognized breed because of the continued declined of their numbers. This deletion is not yet considered final; the FCI categorized these extremely rare dogs as "provisional".
Grooming needs:
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Belgrade Terrier
The Belgrade Terrier originated in Yugoslavia but its precise date of origin is unclear. Dog experts believe that Belgrade Terriers are linked to the Balkan Terrier or perhaps descendants of the small Greek dogs that were kept as domestic pets. One thing is for sure, these dogs are impressive hunting dogs that specialize in hunting vermin of all types. Today, this particular terrier is being re-developed as pure family dog rather than a rodent hunter.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Bench-Legged Feist
The Bench-legged Feist is one of three Feist dogs that are comes from the lines of the Rat Terrier dog breed. There are three Feist dog breed that are currently being bred in the United States, the Mountain Feist, the Pencil-Tail Feist and the Bench-legged Feist.
Grooming needs:
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Bergamasco Sheepdog
A sheepdog that looks more coat than dog, Bergamasco dogs have coats that are thick and resemble the famous dreadlocks hairdo. Their thick and bundled coatings are called flocks, and it may look heavy on them, but they are the secret weapons of this dog breed! Their unusual and truly eye-catching "flocks" serves as their all weather insulation, keeping them warm in cold temperatures, while maintaining cool temperatures on hot days.
Grooming needs:
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Berger des Pyrenees
The Berger des Pyrenees is so smart that this dog breed is considered as expert manipulators of people!
Grooming needs:
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Berger du Languedoc
The Berger du Languedoc's nearly extinct status has forced the Fédération Cynologique Internationale to delete this breed on its registry. However, the Société Centrale Canine initiated a recognition process for the Berger de La Crau variety.
Grooming needs:
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Berger Picard
Ancient sheepdogs which use boundary, tending, herding and any strategy that will get their livestock properly herded, Berger Picards are one of the best in the dog herding family. They love to go on patrols while eyeing their livestock as well as being alert for possible predators. This is impressive and very unique, because most sheepdogs tend to use the fetching style of herding.
Grooming needs:
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Bernese Mountain Dog
Big and strong with an air of confidence, the Bernese Mountain Dogs are quite attention grabbers for their size and exceptional good looks. Among the Swiss Sennenhund, the Berner Mountain Dog breed is the only one with longer and fuller coat covering their huge squarely built bodies. This breed is one multifaceted working dog which excels in tracking, herding, ideal watch dog traits, keen guardians and superior strength to pull carts loaded with heavy cargo. They might be muscular giants, but this Swiss mountain dog breed is a gentle one. They show great obedience, so great that most excel in competitive obedience competitions. They act like rock stars and perform like athletes, unfortunately for this breed; they are also prone to die young. The Berner's life expectancy is just 8 years maximum and most dogs don't reach the age of six. This is due to a type of cancer that is prone to affect the breed. This cancer is still being researched today.
Grooming needs:
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Bhagyari Alsatian
The Bhagyari Alsatian is one of three varieties of the Bhagyari Kutta dog breed that is native to Central Asia which are the areas covering Pakistan and India. This Bhagyari Kutta variety is the result of crossing the standard Bhagyari Kutta with the German Shepherd Dog.
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Bhagyari Kutta
The Bhagyari Kutta is a herding dog that were already being bred and widely used for several centuries in South Asia, specifically the region now covering modern day Pakistan. They were bred to be sheep herders and flock guardians and developed to have a powerful and very strong and athletic frame. This breed got its name from their wolf-like appearance. "Bhagyari" translates to wolf and "Kutta" means dog. Today, the Bhagyari Kutta are commonly bred and used in Pakistan's Sindh and Punjab regions.
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Bichon Frise
A cute little dog that is compact enough to fit in your hand carry and covered with powder puff white fur! The Bichon Frise dog breed will quickly catch your heart for their sweetness and affection. They are just one of the most ideal companion dogs today. They have a natural instinct to love human companionship and gifted with lovable traits such as an independent spirit, intelligence, boldness and a lively outlook towards life
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Bichon Havanais
Bichon Havanais dogs are considered to be one of the rarest dog breeds still in existence today. This particular Cuban Toy dog breed originates from the old world bichons of Europe. The Bichon Havanais is the direct descendants of Maltese and Bolognese bichons that were famously bred all across Europe. They were brought to Cuba by the Spanish Conquistadors during the 18th century. Havenese got their name after the city of Havana. The nobility of this Cuban capital as well as the Spanish aristocrats kept them companion pets. Years later, they were also preferred by the Cuban middle class and kept as family dogs.
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Biewer Dog
The Biewer or Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is considered to be a young toy dog breed as it was just developed in Germany in the year 1984. It got its name in honor of the pioneer breeders named Gertrude and Werner Biewer. The Biewers owned a Yorkshire terrier that produced a litter with unique white markings. They loved that unique white markings and this led to a selective breeding program to produce more of this Yorkshire variety. Today, Biewer dogs are now a separate breed from their Yorkshire Terrier progenitors.
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Billy Dog
Billy are large dogs that will be dog-aggressive of the same sex. They are not known to be sociable towards other dog breeds as well. These are hunting hounds full of courage and very intelligent when out on the field. Billy dogs can be well trained dogs and are known to compete in obedience trials.
Grooming needs:
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Black Mouth Cur
The Black Mouth Cur is not an apartment type of dog. These are dogs not suitable for the city. Blackmoutn Curs are dogs built for rural America and should be given regular work as hunting dogs, herders and watchdogs.
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Black Norwegian Elkhound
The Black Norwegian Elkhound is a modern variety of the original Norwegian Elkhound. They have similar temperament and differ on the size and coat color. The Black Norwegian Elkhounds are smaller and comes only with black coats.
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Black Russian Terrier
There were dogs bred by American presidents, European royalty, ancient civilizations.... but only one can have the distinction of being developed by the Soviet War Machine!
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Blenheim Toy Spaniel
Blenheim Toy Spaniels is one of four varieties of English Toy Spaniels recognized for centuries as different breeds but now treated as just varieties of coats for one dog breed.
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Bleu de Gascogne
The Bleu de Gascogne is a breed that we can call the "great contributor" in the dog world. This is because the Blue Gascogne has contributed its bloodline to at least 80 different dog breeds worldwide. From hounds to gun dogs, this breed has and continues to be among the top choice to use in when developing other breeds.
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Often described as moping dog wearing a baggy suit, the Bloodhound are one of the most ancient purebreds still in existing today. They have been bred purely by more than 1,000 years without having other lines crossed with their bloodlines. Their name was not taken by the blood scent of humans, which they excel at, but stands for "blooded hound", or a dog that is aristocratic and noble in lineage. They were originally used a scent hounds during small to medium game hunting all across the British Isle. Today they are tireless and specialized law enforcement workers, giving accurate trails of evidence which are honored by the court of law!
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Blue Heeler
The Blue Heeler dogs are very loyal and naturally protective herding dogs. They are always wary of strangers, but for people and family familiar with them, this Australian herding dog will be friendly and easy-going. The dog breed's loyalty traits is unmatched on the Australian continent, they are known to be a stick-to-one type of dog, treating and being loyal only to one master. Blue Heeler dogs are also known to be very alert, serious and watchful. These dogs are highly intelligent, highly energetic and drive to work is high as well.
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Blue Lacy Dog
Only a few of our canine buddies can proudly say that they are a National Icon. The American Blue Lacy can! This dog breed has its own Senate Resolution to prove it.! Officially designated by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas through Senate Resolution 108, Blue Lacy is the lone star's official State Dog Breed. These herding and hunting dogs thrived in the Southwest as excellent farm hands and ranch workers. Stories of their impressive herding abilities are legendary. It is said the one Lacy dog can do the work of five cowboys, which is actually not hard to imagine. They are intelligent, fast, energetic, obedient and eager to get their paws dirty from hard work.
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Blue Picardy Spaniel
Blue Picardy Spaniels or known in their traditional French name, Épagneul Bleu de Picardie, are French spaniels bred along the River Somme. They are descendants of Picardy Spaniels and English Setters, and known as a very quiet dog, preferring to be active than back. The Blue Picardy Spaniel is similar to their cousins the Picardy Spaniel, except for their distinctive bluish coating.
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Bluetick Coonhound
Famous for having that "bawling" bark, these very vocal hounds are a breed that's determined to stay on track! Their stubbornness to let go of scents, however intricate the tracks are makes them ideal pets for families who are into outdoor activities such as hunting, trekking and camping. The athletic Bluetick got its name from their coat pattern. They have this dark bluish in color and covered in a ticking or mottled pattern.
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The Boerboel is a dog breed that was placed on Denmark's list of banned dogs since 2010 for their aggressive temperament and usage as pit fighting dogs. This is the only native South African dog breed created to guard, protect and defend homesteads.
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Bohemian Shepherd
The Bohemian Shepherd Dog is not for the lazy type. They are dogs that will be active and packed with high energy. These Czech dog breed is not known to be aggressive and will be excellent to have around children and other pets. They are agile and intelligent, making them great for rescue operations as well as companion pets. The Bohemian Shepherd is first and foremost a guard dog that will display a calm, friendly and stable disposition.
Grooming needs:
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Bohemian Terrier
Bohemian Terriers are patient and gentle dogs when around children. For a full blooded terrier, the Bohemian Terrier breed is surprisingly very mild. This trait makes them one of the terrier breed that are ideal for family pets as well as companion dogs.
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The Bolognese is a dog breed rich in history, rising from its humble beginnings as rodent hunters on ships to companion pets to European royalty and nobility. They are the dog that is known for being one of just a handful of breeds appearing in many works of arts dating back to medieval times.
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Bonsai Bulldogge
The Bonsai Bull is a miniature dog breed that is so tenacious it is not aware that they are small! These dogs share the same traits of their larger versions which is the Olde English Bulldogge breed. They are little dogs with impressive courage and admirable loyalty. But unlike the larger bulldog varieties, the Bonsai Bulldog will be great apartment pets! Overall, this is a young breed that has a very stable temperament and will be great with kids of all ages and other pet animals.
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Border Collie
Incredibly intelligent working dogs who need both mental and physical stimulation, Border Collies are loyal friends and companions.
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Border Terrier
Like most small dogs, Border Terriers are big dogs trapped in a small body. For a terrier their size, these dogs are known to have impressive skills in the areas of hunting, tracking, watchdog, agility, competitive obedience as well as performing tricks.
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They were bred and exclusively owned by Russian nobility back before the days of the Bolsheviks, the Borzoi dog breed got its name from the Russian word "borzii", which literally means swift. An apt name as these dogs is known to be speed demons while on the hunt!
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Bosnian Rough Haired Hound
The Bosnian Rough Haired Hound is known also as the Illyrian Hound and is believed to be the modern version of this pre-Slavic dog breed. It is officially called Bosanski Oštrodlaki Gonic which is translated in English as Bosnian's rough haired hound dogs.
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Boston Terrier
Adorable, funny, smart dogs who need a lot of attention, the short-nosed Boston needs to be kept indoors to avoid heat stroke.
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Bouvier de Ardennes
The Bouvier de Ardennes or Ardennes Cattle Dog is not just a dog breed. It is a symbol of the resilience of the people living in the Ardennes region of Belgium. This breed was developed and fashioned to be dogs that can handle harsh climate conditions, rough terrains and poverty that their native region are known for.
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Bouvier des Flandres
Looks can really be deceiving! Bouvier des Flandres or commonly known as Flanders Cattle Dogs may looking intimidating for their large, powerful and squarely built bodies, but this Belgian import is actually pleasant in nature and very gentle.
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Playful, exuberant, fun-loving, and affectionate, the Boxer is a gentle companion to children and a nonstop energy machine.
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Boykins Spaniel
A dog that is famous for their fantastic swimming abilities and refined hunting skills, The Boykin Spaniel is one hardworking gun dog that earned the distinction of being South Carolina's official State Dog.
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Bracco Italiano
They are considered as one of the most versatile gun dog breed in the whole doggy universe, the Bracco Italiano or Italian Pointing Dog was just built for the hunt!
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Braque du Bourbonnais
Originally developed in the Bourbonnais province in France, the Braque du Bourbonnais or commonly called the Bourbonnais Pointer is a dog breed that are centuries old. They are medium-size and very muscular types of dogs that gives out an air of elegant bearing with their confident stance.
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Braque Dupuy
The Braque Dupuy is the modern recreation of the ancient and extinct breed known as the Braque du Puy. This breed is variety of the French Braque dog breed. Among all the French Braque dogs which include the Braque, D'Ariege, Braque St. Germaine, Braque du Bourbonnais and Braque D'Auvergne breeds, the Braque Dupuy is the tallest. They are prized for their excellent gun dog skills of hunting tirelessly on wide-open terrains.
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Braque Francais
Braque Francais are first and foremost versatile hunting dogs who are considered to be one of the oldest type’s gun dogs that use the pointing technique to locate the small to medium game during a hunt. There are two variants of the Braque Francais dog breed, the larger Gascogne variety and much more compact Pyrenean.
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braque saint-germain
Braque Saint-Germain is considered to be among the most versatile gun dog and pointer breed in existence today. Braque is a French term which translates to pointing dogs. This specific breed is the byproduct of crossing an English and French pointing type of dogs.
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Brazilian Terrier
The Brazilian Terrier is one of only two dog breed that originated from Brazil. They are one of various terrier-type dogs that are the descendants of crossing various local Brazilian dogs with the European Fox Terrier breed.
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The Birard is a large powerful dog with a large, broad head that is well-covered with hair It has a double coat with a coarse, shaggy outer coat. They used to be in a single breed with the Beauceron, only separated in 1863 as clear distinctions were made between the two dog breeds. Sheepdogs with longer coats became the Briards, while short coated sheepdogs became the Beauceron.
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Briquet is a word used in to desribe medium-sized dogs in France. The Briquet is France's medium-sized hunting dogs that are known to have a distinctive shaggy coat.
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Briquet Griffon Vendeen
A breed that was nearly eradicated by World War I and II, the Briquet Griffon Vendeen was considered to be one of the rarest dog breeds a couple of decades back. Fortunately, their numbers are in the rise and this medium-size griffon will still amaze us with its uncanny tracking skills!
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Brittany Spaniel
The Britanny Spaniel, also known simple as the Britanny is one of the world's most popular pointing dogs and considered to be one of the top hunting dog breeds today. They got their named from the French Province of Britanny, which where they were first developed as a breed.
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Buckley Mountain Feist
The Buckley Mountain Feist may look like the smaller and lighter version of the Mountain Cur breed.
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Bukovina Sheepdog
The Bukovina Sheepdog is prized in Romania and the surrounding areas for their loyalty, and very dependable protectors and defenders of livestock. These are dogs that will display their loving, affectionate, gentleness and very intelligent traits towards their family. They are dogs that will display playfulness, tolerance and kindness when around children. Their strong protective nature is known to give them extreme courage to fight to the end in dire situations. They will not trust strangers and will be vocal when intruders or strangers are nearby.
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Buldogue Campeiro
The Buldogue Campeiro originates in Brazil and has been bred since the 16th century. This working dog breed is one of Brazil's oldest dogs that were bred to catch wild cattle in and hold them until they reach the slaughterhouse. The name Buldogue Campeiro was chosen for the breed's name as it means "rural bulldog", as they are impressive working dogs in the rural areas of this Southern American country. They are also used as guard and shepherd dogs that herd, drive and protect their stock from wild predators and human intruders and thieves.
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Bulgarian Shepherd Dog
The Bulgarian Shepherd Dog was bred and used to be flock guardians and sheep herders in the Balkan Peninsula. They are also known to be impressive protectors of their flock, property, territory and family.
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Bull Terrier
A fighter by creation, the intimidating Bullt Terrier, both Standard and Miniature has come a long way from their bloody roots as agile dog fighters and ferocious bull bating combatants. They can be quite a looker, with these dogs muscular stance and that distinctive egg-shaped head and chinito eyes!
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Originating from the British Isles, Bulldogs are the descendants of the mastiffs from the Far East. The dog breed's name comes from the blood sports were it was created to excel at, bull baiting. They also got their name from that famous physical appearance, robust like a miniature bull! Although these ancient bulldog ancestors are known to be aggressive, powerful and ferocious while combating bulls, today's Bulldogs are more docile and friendly in nature.
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The Bullmastiff can be called the wrestlers or "grapplers" of the dog world for their strength and ability to track down, take down and pink intruders! These giant dogs will have target down on the ground until their master's arrival! Now that’s what you call a guard dog!
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Bully Kutta
The Bully Kutta earned the nickname "The Beast From The East" for their size and skills in dog fighting.
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Cairn Terrier
Native to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isle of Skye, the Cairn Terrier is considered to be one of the oldest terrier breeds and Scotland's original terriers.
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Cajun Cur
The Cajun Cur is a dog with impressively strong treeing and hunting instinct. They are also known to show impressive courage even when the hunted game is considered dangerous.
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Cajun Squirrel
The Cajun Squirrel Dog is closely related to the Kemmer Stock Hybrid Squirrel dogs that are bred out of Tennessee. These two dog breeds share the same breeding lines, 50% cur blood and 50% Feist lines. The major difference between the Cajun Squirrel Dog and the Kemmer Stock Hybrids is their place of origin. The Cajun Squirrel dog breed is mostly bred within the "Cajun" region of the Bayous of southern Louisiana.
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The Canaan Dog is a medium to large, strong, and squarely built dog that is among the most ancient dog breeds still existing today! This dog breed is so ancient; it came with the Israelite people during their Exodus towards the promise land, Canaan.
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Canadian Cur
The Canadian Cur is only the UKC recognized cur-type of breed that is not native to the USA.
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Canadian Eskimo
Canadian Eskimo Dogs are a breed that is part of the Spitz families included under the Nordic dog breeds classification. They are wolfish in appearance, but docile working dogs that is slowly becoming popular as companion and service pets.
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Cane Corso Italiano
The Italian dog that can trace its origins to the Cani Pugnax, the ancient Roman Molosser dog breed which were used by Roman Legionnaires to hut large and wild animals as well used as an auxiliary warrior, the Cane Corso Italiano is a dog breed that is tough and strong. Romans and, as the years go by, Italians in general enjoys having these large, muscular and very powerful dogs as companions and guard dogs. They got their name from the Latin word Cohors, which translates to "protector"
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Canis Panther
Canis Panther dogs are often mistaken as a breed that was created to hunt panthers. This is not the case as they were named purely for aesthetic reasons and to build a reputation as a frightening protection dog. They are highly aggressive and can hunt and eventually kill small to medium sized animals.
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Cão da Serra de Aires
Cão da Serra de Aires is one of Portugal's oldest dog breeds as well as one of the country's indigenous dogs. This breed got its name from Portugal's mountain ranges called the Serra de Aires that is located in the northern part of the Tagus River which covers the areas of Ribatejo and Oeste in Portugal.
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Cão da Serra de Estrela
Cão da Serra de Estrela got its name from Portuguese words. Cão which is English for dog. Serra which is roughly translated to Mountain. The Estrela describes this breed's native region where it was first developed. Loosely translated, Cão da Serra de Estrela means the Dog of the Mountains of Estrela.
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Cão de Fila de São Miguel
The Cão de Fila de São Miguel is dog breed that is known to be a dominant herding dog that is famous for its ability to work as livestock guards and herders and last for an entire year without going home. These are intelligent dogs that are quick to learn lessons and will be able to execute a variety of commands. They are excellent working dogs that are also great as guards of property and protectors of the family. Cão de Fila de São Miguel dogs have sharp temperament but will display its docile nature towards their family. This is a breed that is known to be very defensive when it comes to their territory.
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Cão dos Mourey
Cão dos Mourey is a dog that inherited various traits from its various ancestors. They are tenacious, feisty and independent, similar to their Bulldog forefathers. They are confident, dominant, extremely trainable and hardworkers, inhering these traits of their Mastiff ancestors. These dogs are also energetic and often predatory much like their Terrier progenitors. Over all they are hardworking dogs that will be devoted and very protective to their family and very aloof towards strangers.
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Caravan Hound
The Caravan Hound has two coat varieties. The Smooth coated variety is generally called Caravan Hounds. The feathered coated variety is called the Pashmi Hound.
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Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Cardigan Welsh Corgi are cousins to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, but older s a breed. Both Corgis come from the lines of Keeshond, Pomeranian, Schipperkes and the Swedish Vallhund and developed by the Celts as far back as 1200 B.C.
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Identified with the Australian Dingo, and sometimes called the American Dingo, The Carolina Dog is a breed that can trace its roots to ancient times. They are considered to be Pariah Dogs or those dogs that are not owned by anyone nor fully domesticated by very docile around humans and would accompany hunting expeditions.
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Carpathian Sheepdog
The Carpathian Sheepdog might be shepherds, but these dogs are natural watchdogs. This breed is famous for having a remarkable natural instinct to protect and offer unconditional devotion towards their masters and their flock! Carpathian Sheepdogs have a calm and well-balanced disposition. They have a very dignified stance. This dog breed is also known to be a very obedient and truly submissive dog breed towards their masters, making them highly trainable and capable of being well trained. They are outdoor dogs that will enjoy living and working all day long out in the field.
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Catahoula Cur
The Catahoula Cur is one of various Cur breeds that are bred and developed in the United States even before the American Revolution. This cur-type breed is considered to be among the rarest among the American bred dogs.
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Caucasian Ovcharka
The Caucasian Ovcharka has been in the history books since the ancient times. This dog breed's most famous historical fact is that they were created and developed by the Soviet Army! USSR used various northern dog breeds to create the perfect working dog that can push the Communist Empire to greater heights, thus the birth of the Caucasian Ovcharka as a dog breed.
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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
A toy spaniel that survived near extinction, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is resilient breed with a glorious past and a promising future as one of the top companion dog breeds that is suitable for all sorts of personalities.
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Central Asian Shepherd
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a very large, powerful dog that is slightly longer that it is tall. The dog is double coated with a profuse undercoat and an outer coat which can be long or short.
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Cesky Fousek
Cesky Fousek dogs goes by various names, but one thing is for sure, these dogs are strong loking medium-size dog that will have your full attention when you lay your eyes on their almond-shaped, brown eyes, inquisitive facial features and cute drop ears.
Grooming needs:
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Cesky Terrier
The Cesky Terier is an easy keeper: it is patient, gentle and good with children. It is very mild for a terrier. This breed does well with an individual or family and is adaptable to apartment or rural life.
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Chacy Ranior
The Chacy Ranior dog breed was originally called as the Schichon. A hybrid dog that is a cross between the Shih-Tzu and Bichon dogs appeared recently, which goes by the same name. To avoid for this dog breed to be mistaken for the hybrid cross, the breed's name was changed to Chacy Ranior.
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Chart Polski
The Chart Polski is a large, muscular, and sturdy dog. It is less refined than the other sight hounds. It has a powerful jaw. The springy coat is of varying lengths and of any color. The eyelids and nose should complement the coat color.
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Chesapeake Bay Retriever
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a strong, medium-size dog, slightly longer than it is tall. The coat is short, oily, and water-repellent, wavy on the body but straight on the head and legs. They were named after the Chesapeake Bay as these dogs where developed to stand the rough and icy waters of the bay so they can hunt waterfowls.
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Chien Blanc du Roi
Chien Blanc du Roi displays fierceness and enthusiasm when out on the field hunting. They may seem fierce hunters, but these dogs are known to be gentle and very easy-going at home with their family. They are good mannered and will get along with children and other dog breeds. Chien Blanc du Roi dogs are also very vocal. They have an independent disposition that makes them very stubborn.
Grooming needs:
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Chien d’Artois
Bravery, loyalty and a natural tactician when it comes to hunting game in different terrain and conditions. That is what the Chien d’Artois dog breed is prized for! These dogs are known for their high endurance and well-balanced disposition. It is a breed that displays the best traits of a scent hound: fast, strong and solid scenting abilities and independently minded.
Grooming needs:
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Chien De L'atlas
The Chien De L’atlas dog is known to be generally docile and very protective of his family/owners. Chien De L’atlas dogs are faithful and affectionate in nature. This breed of dog is also a great family watchdog for their trait on being constantly alert for danger together with a fearless, curious and easy to train characteristic.
Grooming needs:
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Chien Française
Porcelaine dogs are lean, fine boned, medium-sized dog with a finely chiseled head with coat that is very smooth, short and fine. Their official name is Chien de Française-Comte but is more popularly known as the Chien Française.
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The smallest breed of dog has a big heart and boundless loyalty, but needs activity, strong leadership, training, and special attention to housebreaking.
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Chin Dog
The Chin is Japanese dog breed known to have superior memory. They are fastidious dogs! The Chin dogs know what they like and what they don't and will show it. They are well behaved and friendly when around children, other dogs as well as other animals. They are so friendly that these Asian dogs are known to show friendliness towards strangers! Overall, the Chin dogs of Japan are a breed that is well-balanced.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Chinese Chongqing
The ancient and very rare Chongqing Dog is known to be a dog that displays an air of nobility, dignity and intelligence. They are great around children, displaying respect and tolerant towards kids of all ages. These dogs are natural watch dogs that are very alert. This is a dog that will use their intelligence when guarding their family and property. They will be aloof towards strangers, displaying a heightened sense of alertness and will make its presence known. But once their owners show that the strangers can be trusted and friendly, the Chongqing Dog will treat it them as visitors that pose no threat. This is a Chinese dog breed that is fearless, muscular and very powerful.
Grooming needs:
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Chinese Crested
The Chinese Crested is a small, fine-boned body. It comes in two varieties: the Hairless and the powderpuff. The Hairless variety has hair only on its head, feet and tails. The Powderpuff is completely covered in long hair.
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Chinese Imperial
The Chinese Imperial Dog used to be classified as a breed which is under or just a variety if the Shih-Tzu. It is now recognized by various kennel club’s to be a separate and distinct breed.
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Chinese Shar-Pei
Chinese Shar-Peis are dogs that will choose the company of humans than other dogs. They are dog-aggressive if not properly trained. Trained dogs will be aloof when around other dogs as well. Around family, these wrinkled Chinese dogs are known to show affection and devotion. When around strangers, they will show wariness. All in all, the Shar-Pei dog breed possesses intelligence that is higher than most other breeds. These serious and always alert dogs are one of China’s most loved and most popular companion pets around the world today.
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The Chinook is a medium to large-size, powerful dog that is longer than it is tall. They have dense double coating covering their entire bodies.
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Chodsky Pes
The Chodsky Pes Dog is not for the lethargic. They are dogs that will be full of life and jam-packed with high energy. These Czech dog breed is not known to be hostile and will be exceptional to have around children and other pets. They are nimble and sharp and display skills to be great rescue dogs as well as companion pets. The Chodsky Pes is first and foremost a guard dog that will display a calm, friendly and stable disposition.
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Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is a medium-size, study dog. It is double coated and the outer coat can be smooth or rough. The smooth coat is short and dense. The rough coat is longer and abundant.
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Cierny Sery
The Cierny Sery is a herding dog breed that is available in three types: The Short Cierny Series, Long Cierny Series and Rough Cierny Series. The three types are distinguished by the location and length of their coat. All three Cierny Sery types usually come with black coats.
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Cirneco dell'Etna
Cirneco dell'Etna or the Sicilian Hound is a dog breed that has adapted and specializes in hunting across rugged terrain which was formed by volcanic lava! It is also famous for being one of the few dog breeds that can hunt for long hours without food and water in hot temperatures.
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Clumber Spaniel
The Clumber Spaniel can be describe as a long, low solid dog with a rectangular shape. They have a coat that is silky and straight with a neck frill and feathering on the ears.
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Coated Peruvian Orchid
The Coated Peruvian Orchid or also called the Coated Peruvian Inca Orchid is one of two varieties of the PIO dog breed. The other variety is the Hairless Peruvian Inca Orchid dog.
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Cocker Spaniel
These loving, people-oriented dogs need frequent brushing and constant vigilance against ear infections.
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Wonderful, devoted family companions, who are gentle, loyal, intelligent, and affectionate. Be prepared for a lot of grooming with these double-coated dogs.
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Continental Toy Spaniel
Small, clean and beautiful! That is what the Continental Toy Spaniel is famous for, but they are also known to be very alert watch dogs! These toy spaniels are very vocal but not aggressive. They will display friendliness towards everyone they meet.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
High-spirited, intelligent working dogs, Corgis need mental stimulation and exercise to keep them happy and well-behaved.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Coton de Tulear
The Coton is a cheerful, agreeable dog that gets along with almost everyone but especially bonded with its family. It is friendly with children, strangers, and other animals. It is playful and sometimes even clownish.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Cretan Hound
A very ancient dog breed that withstood centuries, the Cretan Hound is literally the dog world's genuine living legend. They are hound dogs that bark rarely, but will alert its masters when strangers are nearby. This breed is capable of hunting prey using both their eyes and their noses while out on the field. They are known to taste the scent, may it be scents caught on the ground or sniffed through the air. These dogs are so great as scent trackers, they are known to suck the scent out of the pebbles and stones while trailing their prey! They have a meek appearance and their show of affection towards their master will lead to an assumption that they are truly meek dogs. But Cretan Hounds are very deadly during the hunt, chasing prey with precision. They have a regal bearing, appearing with an aura of aristocracy and elegant with its stance. These dogs are polite, gentle and very hygienic. They are inquisitive and tolerant when around strangers but will be great to have around children as well as other animals that are members of the family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Croatian Mountain
The Croatian Mountain Dog is a multipurpose working dog that are similar to the herding and flock guardian dogs that is bred in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Croatian Sheepdog
Intelligent, keen, alert and very agile are the most famous traits of the Croatian Sheepdog. These pastoral dog breed is known to have extremely high levels of energy and tends to have a strong need for their masters leadership and guidance. It has withstood several centuries and has remained that same in physical appearance and temperament. They are considered to be among the healthiest dog breeds today. It has evolved to a dog that is resistant to diseases. Overall, this very old dog breed possesses highly-developed herding instinct and impressive watchdog skills.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
In general, Curs are hardworking dogs that are naturally versatile working dogs. These all-purpose rural dogs are full of courage and tenacity when out doing their tasks
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Curly Coated Retriever
Back in the day, Curly-Coated Retriever dogs are synonymous to the working class. English commoners, mostly gamekeepers are likely to own these types of dogs. Thus garnering the nick, “the gamekeeper’s night watchdog”. This is a dog breed famous for being excellent hunters, trackers, retrievers as well as skilled guardians and watchdogs, the Curly Coated Retriever who is also gaining popularity in the dog agility and obedience competition circuits, is considered to be one of the oldest retriever breeds today.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Curly-Coated Portuguese Water Dog
Curly-Coated Portuguese Water Dog or locally called in Portugal as the Cão de Água Pelo Encaradolado is one of two coat variety for the Cão de Água Português.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs are known for their fearlessness, innate wariness and courageous traits towards intruders and strangers. But this dog will not attack without just cause. This is a dog that will be tremendously devoted and extremely loyal to their master.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dachshund, Miniature Size
The Miniature Dachshund dog breed is a global star! This is a dog that is known internationally as the “hotdog”, for its long sausage-like bodies! They are well loved through the decades, and although German in origin, the Hotdog Dog, is also one of America’s icons since World War II.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dachshund, Toy Size
All Dachshund varieties all have the good tempered and friendly traits making them a good choice for home pet and adoption scenarios. They are highly intelligent, fun-loving and just love showing their playful side with an equal amount of affection.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Clownish, protective dogs who need a lot of exercise, the Dalmatian might make a great running partner for an active owner.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier dogs are an affectionate lot, showing love and devotion to their family. But they are also independent dogs that will show reservation. These dogs possess high intelligence that matches their strong determination.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Danish Broholmer
The Broholmer are known to be dogs that are calm, docile and even tempered but can be dominant and protective when threatened.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Danish-Swedish Farm Dog
The Danish Swedish Farm Dogs are intelligent dogs that will be lively, alert and very active when out working. It craves and loves attention but will be very sweet and friendly to everyone. These farm dogs makes great family dogs and will be extremely good when around children. These dogs are always ready to play. They are generally good towards other dogs, but the breed's strong instinct to point and flush bird, good ratters or hunt small game may pose a problem when around other small pets.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Decker Giant Rat Terrier
Decker Giant Rat Terriers are very similar to the smaller varieties of this breed when it comes to temperament. Decker Rat Terriers are also intelligent, curious and very active dogs. They are natural hunting dogs that will display impressive gameness and tenacity while on the field. These dogs will be affectionate and affable when at home with family. All in all, Decker Rat Terriers dogs are docile dogs that will be friendly towards everyone including children, other dog breeds and even cats!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Denmark Feist
This dog breed has two distinct personalities, tenacious at work and calm at home, full of energy, jovial
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Deutscher Wachtelhund
This breed is energetic and hardworking. It is intense in the field but friendly with family, both loyal and dependable as well as biddable.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Doberman Pinscher
Intelligent, loyal, and strong-willed, the Doberman needs a lot of mental and physical stimulation to be happy and well-behaved.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dogo Argentino
The Dogo Argentino is a reliable dog that is affectionate with friends and family but wary with strangers. It is intelligent and likes to be the center of attention. It is highly trainable and generally enjoys children.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dogue de Bordeaux
A well socialized and properly trained Dogue de Bordeaux dog will be a great companion pet for a family with children. They will be dogs that will show great amounts of affection towards family. Their friendly disposition will turn to a suspicious state when strangers are around, may it be humans or other animals. If these dogs are not properly socialized, they will be aggressive to other canines even if they know them. Both male and female of the species are targets of their aggression!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dokhi Apso
Tibetan Terriers are naturally reserved and wary when around strangers. These companion dogs will display loyalty and affection towards their family and friends. Their intelligence and good-natured disposition are innate to these dogs. Much like the Buddhist monks who bred and created them, these dogs are calm and friendly to anyone and everyone they meet.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dorset Olde Tyme Bulldogge
Dorset Olde English Bulldogges are much like their 18th century English bulldog versions, but less aggressive and healthier. This is a big dog that will be great companions. They are versatile bulldogs, that have a strong drive to work and perform, display a pleasing and well-behaved temperament while on the job as well as having the ability to do all the tasks given to them. The Dorset Olde English Bulldogges are very alert, very friendly and very confident. They are known to be very expressive and have this animated personality.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Drentse Patrijshond
The Drentse Patrijshond is a powerful medium-size dog that is known to be an enthusiastic and hardworking gun dog. They are highly trainable, loyal, and obedient but quite sensitive when training is harsh.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
First and foremost, the Drever is a born hunter that is prized for their impressive ability of driving prey towards their master's gun! Drever dogs are naturally good-natured and very friendly towards their master and family. Their high intelligence balances their mischievous side. These are dogs who will always who their affection to family and their masters. They are highly intelligent, fun-loving and just love hunting with their masters.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
This is a good tempered and gentle dog with a strong hunting instinct. They can be very vocal, as this dog breed have a high tendency to bark at almost everything.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dutch Shepherd
The Dutch Shepherd Dog are prized for their intelligence and their strong drive to work hard. They are also famous for their bravery on and off the job. These dogs are known to be independent-minded and can be stubborn at times. In general, the once called Domestic Herding Dog of The Netherlands are dogs that will display their playfulness and affectionate disposition towards family and friends.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Dutch Smoushond
The Dutch Smoushond is considered to be a very easy-care house dog that will be obedient, friendly and charming as family pets and companion dogs. These are dogs that will be quite when around strangers. They are loving dogs when around friends. Skilled ratters, highly intelligent and very adaptive to any living situation, they are dogs that also shows alertness but with a great sense of humor.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
East Siberian Laika
The East Siberian Laika will be highly aggressive towards large predators and tenacious towards large prey. The East Siberian Laika is one of the calmest and well-tempered Laika breed in Russia. These dogs have also proven to great watchdogs that will be very protective against strangers, suspicious individuals and intruders in general. These spitz-type dogs are also known to be good companions.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
East-European Shepherd
The East-European Shepherd dog breed is a product of the Cold War. This particular breed was initially developed by the Soviets before World War II, but was seriously bred during the Soviet Expansion in Eastern Europe.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Bulldog
The English Bulldog is gentle, stable and affectionate. Although it is courageous and capable of great power, it gets along with almost everyone. On the down side, it has a proclivity for snorting and drooling as well as chronic flatulence. It is occasionally scrappy with other dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Cocker Spaniel
English Cocker Spaniels, not to be confused with its American cousin, the American Cocker Spaniel is one of the oldest land Spaniel dog breeds that still exist and thrive today. They are gun dogs famous for their hunting, tracking and retrieving skills. Today they are being used as dependable watchdogs as well as competent agility and competitive obedience competitors.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Coonhound
The English Coonhound is famous across the United States as intelligent dogs that are pleasant to be around with, very alert, oozing with confidence and a highly social dog when around humans and other dog breeds. This coonhound breed is also preferred by practical and competitive hunters for their heightened senses and impeccable hunting skills. English Coonhounds are extremely fast when out on the field and are considered as hot-trailers.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Foxhound
This is an energetic and enthusiastic dog with a strong prey drive. It gets along with almost everyone, including children and other dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Labrador Retriever
The English Labrador Retriever share all the same traits of the American Lab type as well as the original Canadaian Labradors. Dog experts believe and recognize that English Labs are dogs that are more docile and calmer than their North American counterpart.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Mastiff
The English Mastiff or more commonly known as the Mastiff is considered to be one of the heaviest of all the large dog breeds. They can weigh over 200 pounds! These are guard dogs that require no training as their naturally instincts to guard will always take over.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Pointer
English Pointers are dogs that are known to be very hardworking hunters that displays enthusiasm while out on the hunt. They are known to display friendliness and are considered very even-tempered. These dogs are great when around children and other dog breeds.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Setter
English Setters, may it be for show or for field are good-natured, mild, and friendly dogs. The field type is more active. But both love the outdoors and get along with almost everyone, including children. The field type is especially suited to hunting.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Shepherd
The English Shepherd is an intelligent and energetic dog. It is fearless and alert, devoted to its owner and highly trainable. It is a good worker and companion.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Springer Spaniel
A spaniel dog that can easily adapt to most living conditions is one of the English Springer Spaniel's assets. These are versatile and flexible dogs that can fit in anywhere as long as they are properly trained. Considered to be the founding father of all dogs in the English spaniel group, this particular breed is famous for being the top choice for gun dogs by European hunters since the times of Renaissance.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Staffordshire Bull Terrier
English Staffordshire Bull Terriers live life to the fullest. They work, live and play in full throttle. Courageous, tenacity and even-temperament is what the Staffordshire is all about. They have a fondness of people and will be very affectionate especially towards children. They are dog-aggressive and should not be trusted around other male dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
English Toy Spaniel
All English Toy Spaniel varieties are calm, pleasant, and loving dogs that are even-tempered and gets along with almost everyone.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Entlebucher Sennenhund
Entlebucher Sennenhund are direct descendants of the giant fighting and guarding dogs of the ancient Roman Legion, proud, powerful, strong and sturdy. This may not show on these very affable looking guard dogs, but they are excellent workers who seem to have a perpetual positive disposition to his work. They are truly the ideal physical representation of the saying, big things comes in small packages.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Epagneul Picard
Epagneul Picard dogs are skilled hunters who will never get tired of providing service to their masters. They are devoted hunting dogs that can get very enthusiastic when out in the field hunting. But their enthusiastic nature is only during the hunt and will not show during training. Epagneul Picards are not stubborn and training these dogs will be a total joy. Although they are excellent hunters, these dogs can be great companion as well, showing affection, cheerful disposition and very sociable. All in all, this is a dog breed that is well balanced, both mentally and emotionally.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Epagneul Pont-Audemer
They are tagged as clownish for their looks and behavior. Unlike most traditional spaniels who play their role as flushers during a hunt, the Epagneul Pont-Audemer comically acts more like a setter, pointing the prey like most setter dog breeds
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Estonian Hound
The Estonian Hound is so affectionate that these dogs are known to snuggle with their owners on the couch while watching the telly. This is a dog breed that will always be in a happy mood and display their pleasant disposition. They are dogs that are quite balanced, with the right amount of calmness and smarts. They are generally healthy and never aggressive to family, children, strangers, other dog breeds and even cats.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Estrela Mountain
The Estrela Mountain dog is affectionate with family but wary with strangers. Although stubborn, it makes a gentle and devoted companion and has shown great traits which make them get along quite well with children of all ages, and most types of animals.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Famous for being one of the most wonderful companion dogs, the Eurasier is a dog breed that is part of the Spitz family. Ironically, these Northern breeds may look Asian and have an oriental name; they were first developed in Germany.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Feist dogs are very agile and swift dogs with a famous flowing gait. They are high spirited but very lovable treeing dogs that can hunt using their sight, scent and hearing all at the same time. These are considered to be tough little terriers that is capable of silently trailing their prey. They are very alert dogs that are compact and muscular even for their size. Feist dogs are known to have a strong drive to please their masters. These are dogs that are moderately active, very sociable and impressively loyal. Overall Feist dogs are affectionate, devoted and enjoys the companionship of their master and family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Field Spaniel
Field Spaniels are sturdy, medium-size dogs that are known to be very vocal. But they are also fun-loving and lively and very athletic in the water.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Fila Brasileiro
Fila Brasileiro is a dog breed thought to be the end result of crossing mastiffs, bloodhounds, and old Spanish Bulldogs. It is believed to have been bred by Spanish conquistadors to hunt down fugitive slaves throughout the Spanish conquest of the New World. When slavery was legal in Brazil, the Fila was used to return fugitives unharmed to their slave masters.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Finnish Hounds
Finnish Hounds is the dog breed which was developed to merge all the other European hound dogs from France, German and Sweden to take advantage of all their positive qualities. Since its breeding program in the 1800's, the Finnish Hound evolved to be Finland's most beloved working dog.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Finnish Lapphund
The Finnish Lapphund is a very intelligent and active breed. Locals allege that these Nordic dogs even have the capability to think through actions first. They also show great traits as competitors, excelling in activities such as obedience trials, agility, herding trials, and pet therapy.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Finnish Spitz
The fox-like and medium-sized Finnish Spitz dog breed is known to be loyal, friendly and lively. But they do not lose their cautious trait, especially in new situations, places and people. They may look like foxes, but some find them cat-like when their behavior is concerned. They are also dogs that are independent and highly intelligent.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Flat-Coated Retriever
The large and athletic Flat - Coated retrievers are good natured family dogs who are perfect with children of all ages. Their reliable temperament and puppy-like disposition make them a little too friendly as they will treat everyone, even strangers as part of the family. Enthusiastic and fun-loving, these retrievers may tend to be a bit exuberant for younger children. But this can be changed through proper training.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Florida Black Mouth Cur
The Florida Black mouth Cur is a dog breed that belongs to the American South's beloved hunting dog, the Black mouth Cur. Like all the varieties of this breed, the Florida native is a black mouth cur that was bred to be an all-purpose hunter that is swift when hunting all sizes of game. Tenacity, fearlessness, boldness and a no-retreat, no-surrender attitude makes them fierce catchers and killers of prey. The Florida Black mouth Cur can also be used as herding dogs of various livestock as well as a dependable watchdog that will display admirable loyalty and will be very protective as well.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Florida Cracker Cur
The Florida Cracker Cur is a different cur breed from the Florida Black Mouth Cur which is the official State Dog of Florida. The difference is Florida Cracker Curs do not have black muzzles seen on all the black mouth cur dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Fox Paulistinha
Fox Paulistinha is your typical terrier-type dogs that are behave and act like big terriers in a small dog's body. They are naturally energetic and have strong work and prey drive. This Brazilian terrier-type is an intelligent dog much like other terriers. They are keen and assertive while at work and will be very loyal when around their family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Fox Terrier
The Fox Terrier is a friendly dog that is alert and intelligent. They are a breed known to be very bold and active with a tendency to dig. They are not good with small animals, which it often sees as prey. Also, these dogs can be too exuberant for small children.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
This is an energetic and enthusiastic dog with a strong prey drive. It gets along with almost everyone, including children and other dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
French Brittany Spaniel
he French Brittany Spaniels is a good-natured and lively dog that is trainable and intelligent, exuberant and active. It is friendly and loves outdoor activities. They also have high energy levels! They make as good family dogs but can be too exuberant for small children
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
French Bulldog
Known as a clown in the robe of a philosopher, Frenchies are cute, fun, energetic dogs who love to be the center of attention.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
French Mastiff
French Mastiffs are dogs that will display affection and friendliness towards family. They are naturally guard dogs and will display wariness towards strangers. These large dogs have as history of blood sports and are known to be aggressive to other canines. Proper socialization and training will prevent this unwanted dog behavior.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
French Pointer
French Pointers are dogs that are diligent, calm and good-natured. They are highly trainable but tend to be receptive to cruel or harsh training methods. The breed is multitalented, impressive as a hunter and dependable as a companion. French Pointers will display is affection towards family and friends.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
French Spaniel
French Spaniels are medium sized dogs that are muscular and elegant. Physical they are similar to the English setting dogs. Personality-wise they are intelligent, eager to please and hardworking. These traits make them highly trainable. Their natural instinct to be even-tempered, friendly and calm makes the French Spaniel a dog breeds that gets along well with everybody. This includes children of all ages. As a spaniel, they adore water activities where their playful side will show.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Friesian Pointing Dog
Friesian Pointers are lively dogs that are friendly and very affectionate. These Dutch pointing dog breed are known to be innately good-natured and will get along with everyone especially with children and other pet animals.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Frisian Water Dog
The Frisian Water Dog is not your typical spaniel breed and is not recommended to be owned by first time dog owners. Their specialized purpose makes them very fierce killers of prey and will be a bit more aggressive compared to other European gun dogs. Versatility is one this breed's most admirable traits as they are an all-weather, all-purpose, all-terrain and deemed unsinkable water dogs. This breed has also turned into a popular companion pet as well as a hard-working farmhand! They are intelligent yet independent.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Galgo Espanol
Galgo Espanols are considered to be superb pets for their calmness towards children. These dogs will show loyalty towards family. Outdoors, these dogs will be active and will love to play. Indoors they dogs will be sedentary.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Gascon Saintongeois
These are hardworking, enthusiastic dogs. They are good-natured and friendly toward everyone but may be somewhat reserved when around people and animals that are not family or friends. They get along well with other domesticated canine breeds.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Hunt Terrier
The German Hunt Terrier dog breed is a medium size dog with a narrow and square physique. They are known to be clever, tough and fearless while on the hunt. Their strong work drive makes them impressive hunters. These dogs are affable when it comes to family, but will show wariness when around strangers. This trait makes them very protective by nature. A number of dog breeds find the German Hunt Terries a little bit too aggressive as a family pet and should only be used as working dogs. But most disagree as this dog can be trained to be less aggressive.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Longhaired Pointer
German Longhaired Pointer dogs have spaniel like traits and enjoys the water very much. They a re highly trainable and enjoys working and pleasing their masters. These are even tempered dogs that are active at work and friendly at home, especially with children around. They have this powerful and elegant stance and make them look very dignified.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Pinscher
The German Pinscher is bright, self-assured, courageous, and occasionally can be quite scheming. It makes a superb companion but can be overprotective of its master and their possessions. The German Pinschers are dogs that can be considered very territorial because of this. These dogs can be lighthearted and high-spirited well into their adult years. Despite of the sinister small dog syndrome hype, they are excellent with older children.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Pointers
All three of German Pointer dog breeds are known to be even tempered dogs. They are friendly and very active. The German Longhaired Pointer tends to be more aloof when compared to the other two breeds.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Shepherd
German Shepherds are known for their loyal, protective, noble nature, and their intelligence and need to work means they can be easily trained.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Shorthaired Pointer
The German shorthaired pointer is intense and enthusiastic. It is very friendly, especially with children, and hard working. It is trainable and exuberant.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Spitz
German Spitzes are generally fun loving dogs. These naturally gentle and will be friendly towards everyone including children and other dogs. They will also be tolerant with other animals. The German Spitzes have high level of intelligence as well as the eagerness to learn. This makes them one of the most trainable dog breeds today.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
German Wirehaired Pointer
The German Wirehaired Pointer is aloof with strangers but loyal and affectionate with family. It has a strong work and prey drive and can be sharp. It is somewhat terrier like in looks and personality If well socialized it is fine with children and other dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Giant German Spitz
Giant German Spitz is not actually a giant. This German Spitz variety is actually medium in size, standing between 16 to 17 inches tall and weighing around 38.5 to 40 pounds. This particular German Spitz earned the Giant or Gross in their name for being the largest of three recognized German Spitz breeds. These spitz-type dogs from Germany are larger than the Toy German Spitz and slightly bigger than the Standard German Spitz.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Giant Schnauzer
These large and powerful German giant dogs are known to be alert and protective. Giant Schnauzers are also one of the most even-tempered breed. They show high intelligence and very brave when the situation needs it. Known to be gentle and very playful, this dog breed will react once provoked. It is advisable to have them supervised when around children and other animals.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Glen of Imaal Terrier
The Glen of Imaal Terriers are short but powerful dogs showing strength and substance. They have this big, deep bark that belies its small size. These Irish favorite are spirited by nature and known to be hardy and stoic. At home they are docile and shows gentle disposition, at work these dogs are full of courage. These traits make them excellent companion pets as well as reliable working dogs. It's good with cats and with children, although it may have some dog aggression.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Golden Retriever
Intelligent, affectionate, and devoted, Goldens are usually wonderful family dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Gonczy Polsk
Gonczy Polskis are scent hounds that are gentle and have stable temperaments. They are courageous hunters and very brave when out in the field. This Polish hound breed is known to be easy to train, possessing high intelligence and calm submission. They are not aggressive but will display wariness towards strangers.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Gordon Setter
The Gordon Setter is passionate, clever, fun-loving, devoted and affectionate. It does well with children as long as they are suitably socialized and trained.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Grand Anglo-Français
All three Grand Anglo-Francais are easy going and energetic. They are large, powerful and very skilled. These dogs are good natured but are not suitable for family life as they are naturally hunters and workers by heart.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Noir
Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Noir are even-tempered and lively. These large, powerful and hard working dogs are good natured. But they are not suitable for family life. These dogs are natural hunters and workers by heart.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Orange
Grand Anglo-Français Blanc et Orange are easy going and energetic. They are large and powerful. These dogs are good natured but are not suitable for family life as they are naturally hunters and workers by heart. But they are pack hunters at heart and will question pack leadership if they notice weakness. This trait makes them not suitable to be family pets.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Grand Anglo-Français Tricolore
Grand Anglo-Français Blanc Tricolore is known to be good natured. But their temperaments are not as well balanced as other hound breeds. These particular scent hounds are born hunters and their very high hunting instinct will often result to unwanted behavior towards humans and other animals. But beside this, they are known to be easy going and energetic. But not enough to be suitable family pets.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
They are pack hunters by heart! These scent hounds are intense, fun-loving and hardworking by nature. Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen dogs are just packed with energy and will show you how lively they are through barking. Yes, these dogs are very vocal, but they generally friendly and good-natured. Children will be safe around them as they get along very well with kids of all ages.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Grand Gascon-Saintongeois
These pack hunters are serious and capable scent hounds. The Grand varieties are versatile and adaptable hunters, adapting to small or large game hunting when the situation needs it. They get along well with children and other dogs but are not really suitable as companion pets or be a family dog.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Great Dane
The Great Dane is known as a "Gentle Giant", but these huge dogs can do well living in a small space.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees is a large and powerful dog that is known to be stable, loyal and confident. These ancient dogs are also affectionate and gentle when it comes to their family. By nature, they are very territorial and will be protective if they sense an intruder. These dogs often are active during night-time. During the day, these dogs are a bit lethargic.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
These Swiss guardian dogs are known to be faithful, devoted and stable in temperament. They will be territorial as it is in their nature, showing alertness and impressive watchful traits. But these dogs are never aggressive.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Greek Sheepdog
The Greek Sheepdog is tough, fierce, powerful and adaptable flock guardian that is naturally resilient and hardy. These sheepdogs are Greek's Big Mountain Shepherds, famous for being decisive, very brave, very protective and very loyal to their flock and their shepherd masters.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Greenland Dog
Greenland Dogs are strong and compact Spitz that are energetic and powerful but are friendly to everyone. By everyone, this includes children, other dogs as well as strangers! Although friendly to humans and dogs, this ancient dog breed should not be trusted around small animals. They have a naturally high drive to hunt prey and will treat small animals as such. They have an independent spirit but will bond with at least one human family member. Like many sledding dogs, the Greenland Dog tends to roam, making them a bit difficult to train.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
These sight hounds are known for their incredible speed, but they make great apartment dogs.
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Griffon Bleu de Gascogne
The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a versatile scent hound that will display its highly excitable nature out on the field. These dogs will be affectionate towards their masters while off the job. They are pack hunters, dogs that will be excellent team players. Overall, these are hunting dogs that will be great workers as well as good companion pets.
Grooming needs:
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Griffon Fauve de Bretagne
Griffon Fauve de Bretagne are dogs who know how to behave on any given situation. At home, they will be easy going and very affectionate. But when out in the field and working, these scent hounds are intense and versatile trackers and hunters.
Grooming needs:
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Griffon Nivernais
The Griffon Nivernais is a large and muscular dog that is well boned. Their physical appearance matches their couragesou and hardworking personality. They are enthusiastic hunters and will be vocal almost all of the time. They are independent and can be a bit stubborn at times.
Grooming needs:
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Gull Terrier
The Pakistani Gull Terrier is guard dog that will be wary towards strangers. Their high aggression and strong drive to protect makes these dogs excellent protectors and guardians of people and property. This is a dog breed known to offer their lives if need when defending their human family. Although known to be aggressive with intruders and fierce because of their blood sports history, the Gull Terrier will be good with children in his immediate human family. These dogs should not be trusted with children that are not members of their family and pet animals that are non-canine. The Gull Terr is also famous for being very fast, very agile and nimble on his feet.
Grooming needs:
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Hairless Khala
The Hairless Khalas are docile and very loving dogs towards their human family and friends. These dogs will be tolerant with other animals as long as they are members of their pack or family. These dogs will be aloof, standoffish and most often than not, unfriendly towards strangers, may it be human, other dogs or other animals.
Grooming needs:
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Hairless Peruvian Orchid
The Peruvian Inca Orchid dog is known to exhibit mildness. They are also known to be very calm and very choosy dogs. These Peruvian dogs are bright and known to be effortlessly trained. It gets along with almost everybody as long as it is socialized correctly.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Halden Hound
The Halden Hound is solo hunting hound known to be good hunters but better pets. These dogs are innately loving and affectionate to their family. They will be well-behaved when around children. These are dogs built to be hardy and capable of withstanding cold weather conditions. They are highly energetic dogs that can maintain a very quick pace for long period of time.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Hamilton Hound
These medium sized dogs are friendly and outgoing. They will get along with almost everyone including children and other dogs. As hounds, expect them to be quite active and always ready to play. But that doesn't mean that they are not reliable dogs, which they truly are. They will act like typical scent hounds and will roam if it catches a scent. The Hamilton Hound is an even-tempered dog breed.
Grooming needs:
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The Harrier is a dog known to be intelligent and independent minded even if it’s a natural pack hunter. They are quite curious but will get along with almost everyone including children and other dogs. Naturally outgoing, these dogs are enthusiastic and very friendly both at home at our in the field.
Grooming needs:
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The Havanese is a small but very sturdy dog which is just perfect companion pets because of their ideal traits. They are very intelligent and always attentive to their masters, making them one of the highly trainable dog breed known today. They will show gentleness and a quiet disposition but will also show their playful side. When it comes to their owners, Havenese dogs are especially affectionate. When it comes to everyone else, these dogs will be friendly, may it be children, other dogs and animals and even strangers.
Grooming needs:
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Himalayan Sheepdog
Powerful, robust and dependable workers as well as protectors of their flock, the Himalayan Sheepdog excels in both guarding and herding. These dogs are prized companions as well, displaying admirable loyalty that equals their strong drive to work. These dogs will show their ferocious nature when strangers are near! They are also known to be jealous of other animals and will turn their aggression to them.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Hollandse Herdershond
The Hollandse Herdershond is considered in Europe as one of the most competent of all the continental shepherd dog breeds. They are versatile dogs known to excel in agility, catch and obedience trials. They are also excellent guards, herding dogs, field trailers and companion pets. This is a shepherd dog that will form an attachment to their livestock and to their territory. They are enthusiastic while at work, affectionate and obedient to their handlers, sober and loyal towards their family. Overall, this is a dog breed that will always display a "happy-to-be-around" disposition.
Grooming needs:
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Hovawart are active dogs that are known to have an independent streak. They are naturally even-tempered that shows self-confidence, loyalty, gentleness and affection. They are naturally protective of their territory.
Grooming needs:
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Ibizan Hound
All the variety of the Ibizan Hound will get along very well with children and other dogs. They are known to be playful when it around family and friends. But when strangers are near, these dogs will be a bit wary and cautious. They mature slowly and are considered to be somewhat catlike for their fasitdious disposition. These dogs make excellent family pet showing affection, loyalty, versatility and highly trainable.
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Icelandic Sheepdog Shorthair
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Icelanding Sheepdog Longhair
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Indian Alangu Mastiff
The Indian Alangu Mastiff is a variety of the Bully Kutta breed. This variety is considered to be the rarest among all the Bully Kutta dogs.
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Irish Red and White Setter
Ireland's Irish Setter used to be one group with two coat varieties: the Irish Red and the Irish Red And White. Today, most canine registries treat these two variants as separate breeds.
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Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier
The Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the taller and leanest variety of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier that originated in England's Staffordshire district.
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Irish Terrier
Irish Terriers are one of the world's oldest terrier breeds and earned the distinction of being the unofficial dog of the working class!
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Irish Water Spaniel
Considered as one of the ancient and oldest of the water spaniel family, Irish Water Spaniels are also one of the rarest dogs in the world today.
Grooming needs:
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Irish Wolfhound
Irish Wolfhounds are fun loving and active. At home is very calm. They are intelligent dog, appearing dignified in its stance. Although the ancient versions of these dogs were used for military purposes, today's Irish Wolfhounds are not that aggressive. They are actually poor guard dogs as they tend to get along with everyone including strangers.
Grooming needs:
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Istrian Coarse-haired Hound
The Istrian Coarse-haired Hound is one of two Istrian Hound dogs. This particular breed is slightly shorter compared to the Istrian Short-haired Hound
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Istrian Shorthaired Hound
The Istrian Shorthaired Hound or Istarski Kratkodlaki Gonič is one of two hound dogs that originate in Istria, Croatia. This particular breed has a smooth and short coat and is slightly smaller compared to the Istrian Coarse-haired Hound.
Grooming needs:
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Italian Greyhound
Sweet, affectionate, and cuddly, these sighthounds are great-but fragile-companions for experienced guardians.
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Italian Pointer
Italian Pointers are known to be even-tempered and loving towards friends and family. They are pointers that know that difference of work and play as they display different traits in different situations.
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Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog
The Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog breed is Italy’s all-purpose hunting dog! It is one of the ancient dog breeds still existing and being bred for their original purpose.
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Jack Russell Terrier
Jack Russell Terriers are active, intelligent, and playful. They need lots of exercise and stimulation to avoid behavior issues.
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Jagdterrier dogs go by various names. The official name of this German dog breed is Deutscher Jagdterrier. In Canada and the United States, they call these dogs as the German Hunting Terrier or Terrier, German Hunt Terrier.
Grooming needs:
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Japanese Chin
The Japanese Chin is also called the Japanese Spaniel or simply the Chin dog. Although they are called Japanese, these dogs are actually native of China. But it was in Japan that they were truly and seriously developed as purebred.
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Japanese Spitz
The Japanese Spitz is very adaptable to all kinds of living conditions may it be in the city, suburbs or the country. They are small dogs that should live indoors with its human family
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Japanese Terrier
The Japanese Terrier is quite unknown outside of Japan. It has gained a few admirers in some areas of the European continent but these dogs are still considered rare outside and even in its native country.
Grooming needs:
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Japanese Tosa
The Japanese Tosa or locally called in Japan as Tosa-Ken or Tosa-Inu, is the ceremonial fighting dog breed of Japan. These dogs are recognized as one of Japan’s National Treasure. Japanese Tosa dogs are treated like superstar Sumo Wrestlers in Japan, admired for their impressive fighting skills and also as excellent guard dogs.
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Jindos are dogs that can groom themselves. These cat-like trait makes them very clean. The Jindo dog are known to shed heavily. Fortunately this only happens twice a year.
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Kai Dog
The Kai dog is a sturdy spitz looking dog that are known for their impressive courage while out on the hunt. They have a very strong prey drive, making them aggressive to other animals but genarally they are gentle and devoted family members. Although this breed can show aggression on prey like animals, they are not dog-aggressive. When it comes to strangers, these dogs will be wary but will never be aggressive. One of the most famous traits of the Kai dogs is their abilities to climb trees and swim to cross rivers!
Grooming needs:
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Kangal Dog
Highly trainable for their impressive intelligence, the Kangal dog breed is group of dog that is strong and show courage while on the job. At home with family they will show affection. But when strangers are around, they will be wary. Although calm by nature, these dogs will fight if deemed necessary.
Grooming needs:
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Kangaroo Dog
The Kangaroo Dogs will display a very calm disposition when at home. They are dogs that crave human attention and will reciprocate by being very affectionate to their master. These are natural coursing dogs but can also be wonderful companion pets. A well socialized Kangaroo Dog will be safe to have around children of all ages, pets and livestock.
Grooming needs:
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Karelian Bear Dog
They are not suited as house pets. Karelian Bear dogs are medium sized animals that will be aggressive to other dogs, animals and intruders.
Grooming needs:
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Karelo-Finnish Laika
Karelo-Finnish Laika is like the fox-like and medium-sized Finnish Spitz dogs but is relatively smaller. But asides from the minor physical difference the share the same set of traits. This small Russian Laika's are known to be loyal, friendly and lively. But they do not lose their cautious trait, especially in new situations, places and people. They may look like foxes, but some find them cat-like when their behavior is concerned. They are also dogs that are independent and highly intelligent.
Grooming needs:
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Karst Shepherd
Karst Shepherds are dogs that possess sharp temperament and high sense of individuality. They do not trust any stranger and makes excellent guard dogs. When used as sheepdogs they will show independence and bravery. But all in all they are dogs that have very stable temperament.
Grooming needs:
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The Keeshond is a fun loving dog breed. They are naturally gentle. These dogs are friendly towards everyone including children and other dogs as well as other animals. Their high level of intelligence matched with their eagerness to learn makes them one of the most trainable dog breeds today.
Grooming needs:
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Kelb tal-Fenek
The Kelb tal-Fenek are dogs that have high levels of intelligence and a natural disposition to please. This makes them highly trainable and quick to learn new things. The Maltese sight hounds are affectionate and playful when around family, but will be wary when confronted by new faces. They are also catlike in its mannerism and can be discriminating towards others. These dogs are also known to be capable of blushing and smiling!
Grooming needs:
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Kemmer Feist
The Kemmer Feist is known to have a naturally sweet playful disposition. These dogs do not discriminate and will show equal love and affection towards family and strangers. They are also naturally sociable, getting along with dogs and small animals. The Kemmer Feist also possesses admirable intelligence, making them easy to train. Their obedience and agile limbs make these dogs’ great competitors in agility and obedience trial competitions.
Grooming needs:
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Kemmer Stock Cur Mountain Cur
The Kemmer Stock Mountain Curs are naturally sweet and very playful. These cur dogs do not discriminate when showing their love and affection may it towards their family or towards strangers. This is one of the friendliest Cur breeds known, showing no aggression and displaying highly sociable disposition towards other dogs and small animals. These are intelligent curs that will be obedient and highly trainable.
Grooming needs:
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Kemmer Stock Hybrid Squirrel
The Kemmer Stock Hybrid Squirrel Dog is a dog with impressively strong treeing and hunting instinct. They are also known to show impressive courage even when the hunted game is considered dangerous.
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Kerry Blue Terrier
The Kerry Blue Terrier is one of the most versatile terrier and hunting dog breeds. They are alert, very game and highly spiritied. They are known to challenge leadership, showing a strong will but these dogs do thrive as human companions. They are not dog aggressive but are considered dangerous around small prey-like animals.
Grooming needs:
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King Charles Toy Spaniel
King Charles Toy Spaniels are dogs that are composed by nature, lovely, and affectionate dogs that are well balanced companion pets that are friendly to everyone, children and other animals.
Grooming needs:
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Kishu-Ken is a Japanese breed famous for its loyalty and loving disposition towards its human family. These dogs will display friendliness and calmness towards friends. They are intelligent and very clean making these dogs easy to housebreak train. The Kishu will be aloof to strangers, but they socialize well and will not be aggressive to humans and other dog breeds. These dogs are team players that can hunt in packs. They are vocal even when out hunting, as the Kishu prefers to silently stalk their prey rather than intimidate them with their bark.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Kishu Ken
Kishu-Ken is a Japanese breed famous for its loyalty and loving disposition towards its human family. These dogs will display friendliness and calmness towards friends. They are intelligent and very clean making these dogs easy to housebreak train. The Kishu will be aloof to strangers, but they socialize well and will not be aggressive to humans and other dog breeds. These dogs are team players that can hunt in packs. They are vocal even when out hunting, as the Kishu prefers to silently stalk their prey rather than intimidate them with their bark.
Grooming needs:
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The Kokoni is impressively fearless for a small dog. They will be territorial and possessive of their family and especially their owners, displaying fiery conviction. These are dogs famous for being extremely expressive and human like, sighing and even using their eyes to show various expressions. They are companion dogs that will be also great as hunters of small game and birds.
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The Komondor dog breed of Hungary can trace its origin as far back as 900 A.D. Most dog historians and experts believe that Komondor dogs are directly linked to the ancient Asian dog breeds known as the Tibetan Dogs. These were the dogs that the nomadic tribal people called the Magyars used to herd and guard their livestock including cattle and sheep. This is the Komondor ‘s original usage and is still being used as such to this day. These dogs are also being kept as companion dogs today.
Grooming needs:
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The Kooikerhondje is sociable and full of life. These traits of the Dutch Decoy Spaniel also made them a bit too noisy when compared to other gun dogs. These Dutch dogs are also known to be very faithful and loving around family. When it comes to strangers, they will be wary.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Korean Dosa Mastiff
The large Korean Dosa Mastiff may look intimidating and very serious, but they are gentle dogs that are often described as laid back and sometimes called lazy and lethargic. These watchdogs are known to form bonds with its masters and the entire family. They are large mastiffs that crave human companion. These dogs are people oriented. They will be reserved towards strangers. Overall, this is dog breed has a sweet-natured disposition, easy going, majestic but dignified and very friendly.
Grooming needs:
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Korthals Griffon
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Kraski Ovcar
In Europe’s eastern and north-eastern regions, the Kraski Ovcar has earned a reputation as one of the most impressive guardian dogs when it comes to guarding livestock in very rugged and mountainous terrain. These dogs native to Slovenia is considered to be the rarest dog breed known today. Their impressive working traits have earned them the distinction of being Slovenia’s national treasure.
Grooming needs:
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The Kromfohrländer dog breed comes in two varieties: The Wirehaired Kromfohrländer and the Smooth Haired Kromfohrländer The Wirehaired variety has a beard which is not present with the Smooth Haired This is the youngest among all dog breeds that are native to Germany.
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The Kuchi dog breed is included in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog Breed Family. This dog family consists of different breeds that were bred and used as sheepdogs and livestock guardians in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and surrounding areas within the Central Asian and Middle Asian region.
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Kunming Dog
These dogs were specifically created to service the Chinese military and police departments. They are also impressive as guard dogs, search and rescue and family watchdogs.
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Kuvasz is used to call one dog that belongs to the Kuvasz dog breed. When calling more than one of these dogs, the word Kuvaszok is used.
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They were accidentally bred from crossing the Maltese and Lhasa Apso. These dogs are now bred to be companions. The Kyi-Leo dogs are intelligent dogs that can be trained to do tricks. These dogs are also very alert making them great watchdogs.
Grooming needs:
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Labrador Husky
The Labrador Husky is a purebred and should not be confused with the hybrid mix of Labradors and Siberian Huskies. It is very similar in appearance to a wolf. They are dogs that do not bark, but howl like their wolf look-alikes.
Grooming needs:
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Labrador Retriever
Happy, people-pleasing dogs, Labradors are famous for their friendly personas and their need for exercise.
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Ladner Yellow Blackmouth Cur
The Ladner Yellow Blackmouth Cur is the variety of Blackmouth cur dogs that is native to the State of Mississippi.
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Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo is the only dog breed in the world that has been bred to specifically search truffles!
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Lakeland Terrier
The Lakeland Terrier is considered to be one of the oldest terrier breeds still existing today! They were once called Patterdale Terriers, but are now considered a different terrier breed since the late 1800's. These dogs were originally used as farm dogs, hunting down rodents as well as guarding the livestock from foxes. They were also famous for being hunting dogs in dens, places where otters, foxes and badgers often venture in.
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Lancashire Heeler
The Lancashire Heeler is among the breeds that are considered to be very vulnerable. They are herding dogs that drive cattle by nipping on the animals "heels".
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Landseer Newfoundland
The Landseer Newfoundland is considered to be a distinct breed in Europe. However, in Great Britain and the United States these dogs and the Newfoundland are considered as the same breed.
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The Lapinporokoira was kept as hunting and herding dogs of reindeer in the rugged climate conditions of the Arctic regions.
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Lapponian Herder
Lapponian Herder dogs, also called Lapinporokoira in Finnish as well as Lapland Reindeer dog or simply Reindeer Herders, is one of three Spitz type dog breeds used by the indigenous Sami people for hunting and herding their reindeer livestock. Among the three, they are the heaviest, weighing up to 70 pounds.
Grooming needs:
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Large Munsterlander
The Large Munsterlander is closely related to the Small Munsterlander as well as the pointing dog now known as the German Longhaired Pointer. The three separate dog breed was even treated as one breed before the 20th Century.
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Leonbergers were bred to look like lions. Fortunately the lion-like trait is just in their appearance! They are so friendly that these dogs are fondly called the Gentle Giants of the Germany. These large mastiff dogs gained popularity with the European royalty during the middle of the 19th Century. They were treated as status symbols with recorded ownership by several royalties including Austria's Empress Elizabeth. Other European royals such as Italian King Umberto I and then German Chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck were known to fancy this dog breed.
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Leopard Cur
Leopard Curs are a cur dog of any kind that has been crossed with a Catahoula Leopard Dog. They are prized for being great cow and hog dogs.
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Lhasa Apso
The Lasha Apso is considered today as one of the longest lived dogs with some dogs reaching to a full 18 years. For so many centuries, these dogs are the prized dogs of Tibet. They were so loved in their native country that Lhasa Apso dogs are not sold in pet shops or by breeders. These Tibetan dogs where only given gifts to people who were close and respected by the Dalai Lama. In the year 1933, the pair of Lhasa Apso dogs reached the Northern American continent. The 13th Dalai Lama gave this pair of dogs to New Jersey residents Mr. And Mrs. Suydam.
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Lithuanian Hound
The Lithuanian Hound is Lithuania's official National Dog Breed!
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Llewellin Setter
Llewellin Setters are good-natured, mild, and friendly dogs. They field type setters that will be more active than the average English setter breed. These dogs just love the outdoors. They are known to get along with almost everyone, including children. This English setter field type is especially suited to hunting and trial competitions.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Long-legged Rat Terrier
Long-legged Rat Terriers are known to be intelligent dogs that will be curious and highly energetic all the time. These dogs are very game and known to have remarkable tenacity during the hunt. When at home, and around family, Long-legged Rat Terriers will be affable and shall display affection. Having children, other dogs as well as cats around these dogs will be no problem as they are known to get along with everyone.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Longhaired Bhagyari Kutta
The Longhaired Bhagyari Kutta is a herding breed known to be very passionate workers and performers to their human family. They are impressive as herding dogs but also famous for their great skills as guard dogs. This is because the Longhaired Bhagyari Kutta is a dog that will often display their innate vigilant trait as well as its boldness, bravery and perseverance to protect the flock, territory and property as well as the safety of their human masters. Overall, this is a variety of the Bhagyari Kutta dog breed that are hard workers but also fun to have around at home.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Longhaired Ibizan Hound
They are canines that are known to be perfect family pets. These canines are energetic, faithful, passionate, flexible, effortless to train and pleasant to be around with among friends and families. But they will demonstrate cautious demeanor around people they don't know. Longhaired Ibizan hounds have the tendency to mature at a slow pace.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Longhaired Icelandic Sheepdog
Confidence and enthusiasm both at work and at home is one of the most admirable traits of the Nordic herding dogs. Longhaired Icelandic Sheepdogs also have very pleasing temperament, showing gentleness, cheerfulness and eagerness to get along with people. They are well behaved and loving when around children.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Longhaired Lurcher
Longhaired Lurchers may not be purebreds, but they are still very lovable, fun-loving and affectionate dogs. They are known to thrive under the guidance and leadership of their masters. The Short-haired and Longhaired Lurcher dogs were bred and used for hunting and poaching hares, rabbits and other small sized game. They are impressive as hare coursing dogs, naturally gifted with speed and agility. Overall, Longhaired Lurcher dogs are obedient, amenable and gentle dogs.
Grooming needs:
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Longhaired Portuguese Water Dog
The Longhaired Portuguese Water Dog is an aquatic working dog breed that is known to be smart and obedient. These dogs are well-known for their remarkable endurance and energy. They are also dogs known for displaying incredible devotion towards family. They were named Cao de Agua for nothing! These dogs’ just lives to work and play in water! They are one of the most impressive swimmers in the entire dog universe! All in all, the Portuguese Water dogs are brave and loyal and always high spirited.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Longhaired Weimaraner
Longhaired are excellent hunting dogs which earned the nickname "Grey Ghost" when out hunting because of their stealth skills. These are dogs that are packed with high energy, high intelligence and a fun-loving outlook towards everyone in general. These dogs are also known to have a very strong drive to work hard.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Louisiana Catahoula Leopard
The Catahoula Hog Dog as they are also called in their native State are dogs that loves being dominant. This trait makes them dog-aggressive and should be watched closely when around strangers. This also includes when children and other animals are present. They will show their affection and playful side when around their family. They are naturally protective and will be wary to new faces.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Lowchen is a good companion dog by nature. They are outgoing and perfect travel mates. These dogs show affection and will get along with majority of the people. These include friends of their owners, children as well as other animals. They are very keen and display impressive intelligence. Males of this breed are known to be dog-aggressive to other male dog breeds.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Lucas Terrier
Lucas Terriers are sweet terriers and considered not as exaggerated in temperament compared to the other British Terriers. This highly and easily trained dogs are very smart, eager to please and will be friendly towards people, children and other dogs. Unlike most terriers, the Lucas Terrier is not a vocal dog, it rarely barks. They do love to dig like their other terrier cousins.
Grooming needs:
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The Lundehund is a jolly and energetic dog. These spitzes are known to display devotions when around family. When it comes to strangers, they will become very wary. Lundies are not dog-aggressive but should be supervised when around small animals as they will treat them as prey. They are northern dogs that are known to be mentally sound and strong and quite independent.
Grooming needs:
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Lurcher Longhair
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Lurcher Norfolk
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Lurcher Shorthair
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Mallorquin Mastiff
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Maltese are sweet and loving companions, but these adorable tiny dogs are not the best choice for families with very small children.
Grooming needs:
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Manchester Terrier
The two varieties of this rat hunting terrier are both alert and somewhat less active when compared to all other types of terriers. These dogs will show affection towards their family and friends. When around strangers, these terriers will be wary. So much so that they can be considered as excellent watch dogs! It is a terrier so expect typical behaviours that are seen in most dogs included in this group. These are digging, being very vocal and very possessive.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Maremma Sheepdog
Maremma Sheepdogs are loved for being very dependable guardians as they display impressive courage and independence when on the job. They are known to display passion when it comes to protecting their flock. These are dogs that are known to bond with the livestock they guard. When around their masters and family, these sheepdogs will be gentle and shows great affection. Their natural instinct of being guard dogs makes them very wary and suspicious when around strangers.
Grooming needs:
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Looking for a gentle, protective giant of a dog? The Mastiff may be for you, as long as you're prepared to train and socialize them.
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Mastin Ligero Español
Mastin Ligero known to be highly protective and very territorial, they are afterall bred to be natural guard dogs. The Spanish mastiffs will be reserved and wary dogs when around strangers. These large dogs will display great affection towards friends and families. They are naturally intelligent, independent, alert and considerable watchful but very calm.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Mastin Pesado Español
Mastin Pesado dogs are known to be extremely protecting guard dogs that will be aggressively territorial; they are after all bred to be innate guard dogs. The Spanish mastiffs will be reticent and suspicious dogs when around strangers. These large dogs will display immense affection towards friends and families. They are naturally smart, independent, alert and very watchful but also very composed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Mini Atlas Terrier
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Miniature Alaskan Klee Kai
Relatively young as a dog breed but already one of the top choices for pets, the Alaskan Klee Kai comes from a long line of strong northern dogs. To adopt an Alaskan Klee Kai, may it be standard, toy or miniature varieties of this breed, is to adopt a compact breed of great Alaskan working and sledding dogs such as the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Husky and American Eskimo dogs. They are strong, loving and just the perfect companion to have for their size which is suitable for hot weather climates and apartment type living conditions!
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Miniature Bull Terrier
The Miniature Bull Terrier was down bred from the Standard Bull Terrier. They are basically the same dog but in a mini package.
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Miniature Pekingese
Miniature Pekingese dogs were originally bred exclusively for Chinese royalty during the Tan Dynasty!
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Miniature Pinscher
This is a breed that has gained a nickname of being The King of The Toy Dog Breeds! The Miniature Pinscher is very talented showing impressive skills in competitive obedience trials as well as competitions for watchdogs and agility trials.
Grooming needs:
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Miniature Rat Terrier
The Miniature Rat Terrier is a variety of the Rat Terrier dog breed made famous by US President and Icon Teddy Roosevelt. Both the United Kennel Club and The National Rat Terrier Association and all of their affiliates recognize the Miniature variety of this terrier-type breed.
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Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer was bred to be a hunter, tracker, ratter, watchdog as well as an athlete in competitive obedience. They are also dogs that can be trained to perform tricks. See the Youtube video below to see a Mini Schnauzer perform a couple of cute tricks!
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Miniature Xoloitzcuintli
In the United States they are called the Miniature Xoloitzcuintli. In Mexico, these dogs are known as Intermediate Xolo dogs. Across the world they are popularly known as the Minaiture Mexican Hairless dogs. Although called Hairless, there are also short-coated varieties of the Xolo breed.
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Montenegrin Mountain Hound
The Montenegrin Mountain Hound or Crnogorski Planinski Gonič is the modern name for the dog breed that was once called the Yugoslavian Mountain Hound or Jugoslovenski Planinski Gonic. This is the same dog breed that is one of two varieties of the original Yugoslavian Hound breed.
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Moscow Watchdog
The Moscow Watchdog is a breed that was specifically bred by the former Soviet Union’s Ministry of Defense to satisfy the need of the USSR to produce a dependable watchdog that can stop the rising crime rate of the huge communist nation after World War II.
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Mountain Cur
The Mountain Cur is one of the bigger Cur-type dogs that are being bred in the United States. These are the mountain dogs that were highly prized by American pioneers as they settled the inland regions of the New World.
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Mountain Feist
The Mountain Feist is one of various Feist breed that was developed across rural America, specifically in the American South. This dog breed is the result of crossing mountain cur-type dogs with various terrier-type breed.
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Mountain View Cur
The Mountain View Cur are dogs with a strong drive to please their masters that owners of this cur-type dogs believe that they will do anything for their master, even cut wood if they could! The Mountain View Cur is one of the youngest Cur breeds and was once just a strain of the Original Mountain Curs. The two Mountain Cur breeds differ greatly as Mountain View Curs are born without dewclaws on their hind feet.
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The Mucuchies is a sheepdog breed that has many names. It is called Perro de los Páramos or Páramo's dog is Venezuela, Nevado or Snowy in its native region of Sierra Nevada de Mérida and also simply called as the Venezuelan Sheepdog in the United States.
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The Mudi dog breed is Hungary's versatile working dog used for flock guarding, herding sheep and cattle and also used as guard dogs.
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Mullins Feist
The Mullins Feist dog breed is a Feist type dog that was bred by Jody Mullins. Mullins developed this feist type of dog from the old time lineages of Mountain Feist dogs during early part of the 1970's.
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Munsterlander Dog
The Munsterlander dog breeds are the breeds that are native to the Münster region of Germany.
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Naagi Bully Kutta
The Naagi Bully Kutta is the youngest variety of the Bully Kutta dog breed. They are considered to be a bigger and stronger version of the original and standard Pakistani-Indian dog breed.
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Neapolitan Mastiff
The Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed is from the bloodline of the ancient mastiff dogs used for war. These warrior mastiffs were also used as hunting dogs, guard dogs and even companions by their warrior owners. Today, these dogs are no longer used as "war dogs". They are kept for protection and guard dog duties. The Neapolitan Mastiff is also a great family dog to the right owners. Watch this cute video from Animal Planet to see how these giant dogs can so darn cute!
Grooming needs:
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Nebolish Mastiff
The Nebolish Mastiff is a very large dog that has a dignified stance, a very alert expression and a very even-tempered disposition. These dogs are known to rarely barks but naturally protective and will be fearless and full of courage while protecting their family. They are loyal, affectionate and easy to train. It is an excellent family dog, a hard working livestock guardian and a highly desirable companion pet.
Grooming needs:
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New Guinea Singing
The New Guinea Singing Dog are dogs that are highly intelligent as they are highly independent. They are known to display friendliness and gentle disposition towards people in general. Provided that these dogs are properly socialized. The singing dogs of New Guineas can be dog-aggressive and will display a very high prey drive.
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New Zealand Huntaway
The New Zealand Huntaway is a sheepherding dog that uses its voice to drive sheep. It is the only sheepherding dog breed that does this. They are excellent herders but will also be good with children. These are dogs that will be obedient and considered to be easy to train. The New Zealand sheepdog breed is also intelligent but it is not known to be in good terms with other non-canine pets in the family. They are herding dogs and not meant to be guard or watchdogs, displaying very friendly traits towards strangers. Naturally, they are very vocal, this breed should be trained when and when not to bark. This is easy to do as their intelligence can grasp
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The Newfoundland dog breed is known to display gentleness and excellent behavior when around children. They are dogs that just love the water. These dogs are famous for attempting to rescue swimmers even if they are not in need of rescuing.
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Norfolk Lurcher
Norfolk Lurchers may not be purebreds, but they are still very lovable, fun-loving and affectionate dogs. They are known to thrive under the guidance and leadership of their masters. The Norfolk Lurcher was bred and used for hunting and poaching hares, rabbits and other small sized game. They are impressive as hare coursing dogs, naturally gifted with speed and agility. Overall, Norfolk Lurcher dogs are obedient, amenable and gentle dogs.
Grooming needs:
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Norfolk Terrier
The Norfolk Terrier is a dog breed that is known to be very affection and very friendly. These good tempered dogs loyal and highly trainable. They are also very fearless and very game when it comes to hunting. Proper socialization will make these dog very behaved when around children and even cats! Norfolk Terriers should be supervises with small prey-like animals as they will treat them as prey even if they are properly trained and socialized.
Grooming needs:
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The Norrbottenspets is a Scandinavian dog breed that is prized for having a desirable combination of strength, speed, endurance and stamina. They are also very agile dogs and are very coordinated and have well balance making them efficient workings on very rough terrain and on various waterways. These very active dogs will be daring and confident when out in the field. They will be alert and very attentive when around their masters.
Grooming needs:
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Northern Inuit
The Northern Inuit dog looks wolf-like but was specifically bred to show very minimal to no aggression at all and created to have a very friendly disposition. These are versatile dogs that are quick-witted but also very stubborn. They are intelligent as well as independently minded. This breed will display a familial temperament and will be gentle, calm and dependable towards their owners and family.
Grooming needs:
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Norwegian Buhund
Lively and very noisy! That is the trademark trait of the Buhund. This lively dog is known to display very high drive to work. It is also known to have a very high level of intelligence. These are northern dogs and will show its best traits when in cool climates.
Grooming needs:
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Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Elkhounds are known to be natural hunters that possess impressive boldness and courage. They are also known to be impressive watchdogs with high levels of alertness. All in all, these Norwegian hunting dogs are very loyal and very friendly dogs that can be a bit stubborn because of their independent personality.
Grooming needs:
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Norwegian Lundehund
The Norwegian Lundehund is a happy and lively dog. These spitzes are well-known for their devoted disposition towards their family. These are dogs that will be wary when around strangers. Norwegian Lundehunds are not known to be dog-aggressive. They will be aggressive to small animals, specially small birds and should not be trusted when around them. This northern dog breed is well loved in Norway for being mentally sound, physically strong and reliable when at work and at home.
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Norwegian Puffin
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Norwich Terrier
The Norwich Terrier is a dog breed that is known to be very affection and very friendly. They are good natured dogs that display loyalty and the ability to be highly trained. They are also very fearless and very game when it comes to hunting. Proper socialization will make these dog very behaved when around children and even cats!
Grooming needs:
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Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
This Nova Scotian duck tolling dog is an alert and outgoing hunter. They are playful, biddable and very friendly towards family, friends and strangers as well. This highly intelligent retriever dog breed will show some reservation when in a new situation.
Grooming needs:
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Ol' Southern Catchdog
Ol' Southern Catchdog was original bred to be catch hogs that turned feral and wild cattle. Later on it was used as a dependable guard dog, protector of property and family as well as a very loyal companion pet. They are dogs that will display a strong will to sacrifice their lives to perform the task given to them. This does not mean that they are naturally aggressive. In fact, the Ol' Southern Catchdogs were bred not to be overly aggressive towards people and other dogs. They are also dogs that will be very tolerant towards children of all ages. Over all, this dog breed from the American South are impressively courageous, very brave, full of confidence and will be determined till the end when performing his duties, but will not be hostile to his family and towards other people in general.
Grooming needs:
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Old Danish Pointing
Old Danish Pointers are dogs that are known to be gentle and show affection towards their family. They are very active. These are also dogs that are known for their easy going disposition. When out hunting, they will display bravery and tenacity!
Grooming needs:
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Old English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog an active breed that is highly spirited. Their high spirits does not make them aggressive. These are one of the friendliest dog breeds known today. They are good when around children, other dogs as well as other animals. Their high intelligence and adaptability makes them highly trainable and excellent house pets.
Grooming needs:
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Olde Boston Bulldogge
The Olde Boston Bulldogge is a family dog that will form bonds with its human pack and will always show genuine affection towards them. They are also working dogs that love to perform and please their masters and will be very easy to train. This breed naturally yearns of guidance and leadership.
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Olde English Bulldogge
Olde English Bulldogges are healthier and more functional working dogs that will be fearless and athletic than the modern bulldog breed. They are capable workers that will be determined to perform the task given to him. It is a dog that will show fearlessness, courage, boldness and athleticism towards any threat to their owners, territory or property. They are dogs that will be docile and very friendly towards its family and friends.
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Check out those ears! These comical little dogs will keep you smiling, if you can provide the activity and training they require.
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Parson Russell Terrier
The Parson Russell Terrier is considered the long-legged variety of the original Jack Russell Terrier breed.
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Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi are so much alike that they are mistaken as one and the same. To differentiate these two dog breeds, here's a tip: The Pembroke Welsh are Corgis that have broken tails! The Cardigan Welsh are the Corgi dogs with long tails that looks like cardigan sweater sleeves.
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Perdiguero Navarro
The Perdiguero Navarro dog breed is considered to be a Braque-type hunting dog. These types are those that points to the game while out hunting.
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Perdiguero Portuguese
Perdiguero Portuguese, also called the Portuguese Pointing Dog is considered by many as one of the ultimate gun dog breeds an amongst the top bird hunters in the dog universe!
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Perro de Agua Espanol
Perro de Agua Espanol is famous for having its entire body covered in thick curly-coat that has a wool-like texture.
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Perro de Presa Mallorquin
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Persian Greyhound
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Persian Sighthound
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Peruvian Inca Orchid
There are two varieties of the Peruvian Inca Orchid dog breed. These are the Hairless Inca Orchid and the Coated Inca Orchid.
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Petit Bleu de Gascogne
Superior hounds that are rare and with names that are hard to pronounce (well, if you are not French), the Bleu de Gascogne dog family comprises of four different scent hound breeds. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne, the Petite Bleu de Gascogne, the Petite Griffon Bleu de Gascogne and the Basset Bleu Gascogne. On this article, you'll be reading about the Petite Bleu de Gascogne variety.
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Petit Gascon Saintongeois
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The Phalene dog is one of two known types of Continental Toy Spaniels or famously known as the Papillon dog breed. There are some dog breeds organizations and kennels that treat and recognize the Phalene as a separate breed from the Papillon. Some treat them as a type of the Continental Toy Spaniels. The main difference between the Papillon and Phalene spaniels are in their ears. The Phalene dog variety is the drop-eared spaniel type of dogs.
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Pharaoh Hound
The Pharaoh Hound is native to Malta and is the country's National Dog.
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Picardy Spaniel
Picardy Spaniels or Épagneuls Picards, are dogs developed to be an all-around hunting dogs developed in the French region of Picardy, which is where they got their name. Closely related to the French Spaniel, and was once considered as just a variety of that breed. The Picardy Spaniel earned recognition as a different breed from their spaniel cousins in the year 1909.
Grooming needs:
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Pit Bull Terrier
When it comes to Pit Bulls, one of our experts says it best: Educate yourself, be open-minded, and be prepared for a lifetime of priceless, enthusiastic love.
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Plott Hound
The Plott Hound dog breed was created and developed to be a multipurpose dog that can work efficiently as a guard dog, hunting dog, tracking hound and also as watchdog.
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Podengo Portugueso Grande
Podengo Portugueso Grande or Large Portuguese Podengos are the largest of the three Podengo Portugueso sizes.
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Podengo Portugueso Medio
Podengo Portugueso Medio are so enthusiastic learners and performers that this particular breed has been chosen to be dog actors in various Hollywood big movie productions
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Podengo Portugueso Pequeno
Podengo Portugueso Pequeno or Small Podengo was developed to flush rabbits from its cover but also mouse hunter’s on board Portuguese ships. This is the smallest variety, perfectly small so that they can work efficiently on ships and also save space compared to other larger mouser dog breeds.
Grooming needs:
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Polish Lowland Sheepdog
The Polish Lowland Sheepdog or Owczarek Nizinny in Polish is a dog breed originally created to be herders. Today, this sheepdog breed is also prized as athletes proving themselves in agility competitions, obedience and herding trials.
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Polish Tatra Sheepdog
The Polish Tatra Sheepdog is a massive guardian of livestock, people and property. These dogs’ sheer size and natural instinct to guard and protect may be daunting, but they known to be composed and very clear-headed when around family. This dog will show affection but not towards strangers. They are wary and may sometimes react aggressively if provoked. This large dog breed has been known as somewhat more impressive guard dogs during the night as their alertness levels are high after dark. All in all they are incredibly intelligent and able to react in any situation even without their masters.
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Pomeranians are usually friendly, intelligent little dogs who do well in almost any living situation. Expect to brush them often and thoroughly groom them every month!
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Poodles come in three varieties: toy, miniature, and standard, and range from tiny to large! No matter their size, Poodles tend to be smart and energetic dogs.
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Portuguese Podengo
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Portuguese Podengo Grande
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Portuguese Podengo Medio
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Portuguese Podengo Pequeño
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Portuguese Pointer
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Portuguese Sheepdog
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Portuguese Water Dog
The Portuguese Water Dog is a working dog breed that is known to be intelligent and biddable. These dogs are famous for their impressive endurance and stamina. They are also dogs known for showing tremendous devotion towards family. These dogs didn't get their name for nothing, the Cao de Agua lives to work and play in water! This particular breed is one of the best swimmers in the dog world! All in all, the Portuguese Water dogs are brace and loyal and always high spirited.
Grooming needs:
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Posavac Hound
The Posavac Hound is a hunting dog that is self-assured and equipped with a highly developed sense of smell that it uses to track down its prey. They may be hunting dogs but these hounds are also good around children and will display its affection and lively disposition towards their family. They are obedient and will be capable watchdogs.
Grooming needs:
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Prazsky Krysarik
The Prazsky Krysariks are small but compact dogs that are extremely quick, very active, always alert and has a very lively demeanor. They will be affection and will show their love towards their master. Their ratting background also makes these small dogs as very watchful and prized for their highly developed noses. Before being a companion dog for Central European royalty and nobility, the Prague Ratter was excellent hunters, catchers and killers of rats! They are intelligent, highly sociable, and very obedient and will always display its warmhearted disposition. The Prazsky Krysarik has and will always be a very noble dog, both in appearance and in behavior.
Grooming needs:
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Presa Canario
The Presa Canario dog breed is known to be an even-keeled breed. They are large and very strong dogs that are known to display calmness and impressive attentiveness as well as confidence. These island dogs may look intimidating, but the Presa Canario is a dog that will be very affectionate and shall display calmness towards family. They will display these traits even when around children of all ages as well as strangers. The Canary dog as it is also called is also known to be aloof and dog-aggressive to other male dogs. They will get along with other dogs provided that these are submissive and of the opposite sex. This particular nearly went extinct during the 1960's. They were saved through the initiative of Dr. Carl Semencic who revived this breed by starting a revival breeding program.
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Prince Charles Toy Spaniel
Prince Charles Toy Spaniels are dogs that are composed, pleasing, and caring dogs that are even-tempered and gets along with almost everyone.
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Intelligence and a well balanced disposition are the trademark traits of the Pudelpointer dog breed. These dogs will display eagerness to please their masters, making the Pudelpointers very easy to train. They are dogs that will get along with children and other dogs as well.
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Pugs and Pug mixes are generally fabulous little lap dogs who get along well with everyone; humans and animals alike.
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Pulis' are very active dogs known for their intelligence. These dogs will display affection and love towards family. When around friends, Puli dogs will be very playful. These are dogs that will show wariness towards strangers. They are also dogs known to be very vocal.
Grooming needs:
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Pumi are dogs that displays terrier-like traits and behaviors. This makes these dogs constantly vocal and busy. Puli dogs are bold and highly energetic. When around family, these dogs will show cheerfulness and affection. When around strangers, they will show wariness. Pumis are also known to react aggressively if provoked.
Grooming needs:
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Pungsan Dogs are hunters that have a high prey dive. It has evolved into a dominant and very protective guard and watchdog. They will be fierce defenders of their family and territory. They will be independently minded and require a dominant and very experienced owners. With the right owner, these will be very loyal and obedient dogs.
Grooming needs:
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Rafeiro Alentejo
The Rafeiro Alentejo is regarded as a very sober dog. This means that they are dogs that will display a very serious state of being. They are calm dogs, slow to move but weighs every situation with a solemn outlook. They are large and powerful dogs that should be kept as pets by beginners. This is because the breed has a tendency to pose as danger to other people and other pets. They are dependent dogs that will mature slowly. The Rafeiro do Alentejo is the type of dog that will respond to force when it comes to obedience training. These are dogs that are not aggressive but overly protective and extremely territorial when it comes to their stock, homes and families.
Grooming needs:
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Rat Terrier
Rat Terriers are known to be intelligent dogs that will be curious and highly energetic all the time. These dogs are very game and known to have remarkable tenacity during the hunt. When at home, and around family, Rat Terriers will be affable and shall display affection. Having children, other dogs as well as cats around these dogs will be no problem as they are known to get along with everyone.
Grooming needs:
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Redbone Coonhound
The Redbone Coonhound behaves differently when working and when at home. Out on the field, they are dogs that will be intense and hardworking hunters. At home, these coonhounds are easy-going and will display gentleness. They are intelligent hounds that are eager to please. Among all other scent hound breeds, the Redbone Coonhound is considered to be one of the most highly trainable dogs. They are dogs that will get along with almost everyone.
Grooming needs:
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Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgebacks have very high prey drive and should not be trusted around small animals. These dogs can be quite challenging when it comes to training because of their independent nature. These dogs are very intelligent and will display its good-natured and laid back disposition towards friends and family. They are very devoted to their handlers.
Grooming needs:
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Roman Rottweiler
The Roman Rottweiler is a multipurpose mastiff that was created to be a calm, confident, trainable and athletic dog. These large dogs are full of courage and very protective. They are reliable workers and devoted companions. They are known to be natural guard dogs that possess high intelligence and has proven its worth by various police, military and custom departments all over the world.
Grooming needs:
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Rottweilers and Rottweiler mixes are often described as powerful and calm, very courageous, highly trainable and extremely loyal to their family members.
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Ruby Toy Spaniel
Ruby Toy Spaniels along very well other pets and will tolerate good children. They are considered to be desirable breeds to have as house pets for their wonderful temperament, attentive traits and quite reserved disposition with strangers.
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Russian Spaniel
The modern Russian Spaniel is a dog breed that is famous for their unmatched devotion towards their family and impressive ability as a hunting dog. It is an impressive worker when out in the field, displaying its hunting skills but will also be amiable towards other dogs. They are good natured if kept as family pets and will be reliable and dependable watchdogs if used as such. These handsome dogs will be great around children, make a good companion dog and will be easy to train for their intelligence, eagerness to please and obedient nature.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Russian Toy Terrier
The Russian Toy Terrier is a dog breed developed for the family. They are small terriers that will be loving and trustful to you and all members of your family. They are intelligent terriers that are agile, devoted and considered as a very hardy dog. Although small, the Russian Toy Terriers have this elegant stance and will be very active and lively. They are not aggressive and will never be shy either. These dogs are naturally intelligent and will be very easy to train.
Grooming needs:
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The Saarlooswolfhond is not for the casual dog lover. This is a dog that is 50% wolf and will display wolf-like traits that will include a very intense pack mentality, very aloof behavior and the tendency to roam. They are strong willed dogs that are not recommended have around young children, live in a kennel with other dog breeds. This is a very quiet dog breed that will seldom bark. They will alert their masters in other ways if strangers or intruders are seen.
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Sabueso Espanol
Sabueso Espanol is even-tempered hunting dogs that are active and very intense when out on the field. Like most scent hounds, they can be a bit stubborn and this makes them pretty difficult to train. They are also versatile hunters, excelling in hunting both large and small game. They are not good family pet.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard dogs are gentle giants that will be equally friendly and accommodating with its family and complete strangers. Their affectionate and fun-loving disposition makes them very good with children of all ages. They are also known to be very playful; a rare trait for dog breeds their size. Although considered to be poor guard dogs for their very friendly nature, they will bark loud when intruders are near.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Saluki dogs are sight hounds that thrive in human companionship. They are not needy but are known to be emotionally sensitive. These are alert and intelligent dogs that loves to run. When at home, Saluki dogs are calm, mild mannered and often display unyielding affection towards their human family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The ancient Samoyed dog breed craves human interaction and is known to display affection and gentle disposition towards their human family. They are intelligent and naturally lively but can be mischievous at times. These dogs may be hunters but they are known to get along very well with children and other dogs.
Grooming needs:
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Sarplaninac makes excellent guard dogs for their courageous traits. These intelligent dogs are independent-minded and will be dominant. They will be wary towards strangers but will show affection with their human family.
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Activity level:
Scandinavian Lapphund
All three Northern dog breeds are intelligent, trainable and friendly. They can be stubborn and are known for vocalizing. They enjoy the outdoors and a cool climate.
Grooming needs:
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Schapendoes are prized for their intelligence and their hard work drive. They are also famous for their bravery on and off the job. These dogs are known to be independent-minded and can be stubborn at times. In general, Schapendoes dogs are playful and affectionate towards family and friends
Grooming needs:
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Schipperke dogs are naturally gifted with a personality that makes them the excellent watchdog. They are watchful and will show their courageous nature and curious instinct when at work. These dogs will be wary towards strangers. In general, this Belgian breed is a very adaptable dog that can live in any condition and will be well-behaved with most people.
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There are three types of Schnauzers: the Miniature Schnauzer, the Standard Schnauzer, and the Giant Schnauzer. The difference between them is more than just size!
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Scotch Collie
The Scotch Collie is a herding dog that is famous for their intelligence and highly energetic disposition. These farm dogs are fearless and alert. They will display devotion to their owners and will be highly trainable. It is a good worker and companion.
Grooming needs:
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Scottish Deerhound
Scottish Deerhound are strong willed and known to become very attached to their human family. These intelligent dogs are full of courage when out in the field. They will display gentleness and show their charm when at home.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Scottish Terrier
Bravery and confidence is what the Scottish Terriers are known for. They are also known to be stubborn and emotionally sensitive, making them one of the hardest terrier breeds to train. This terrier-type breed is a hot-headed dog that has a very high tolerance to pain. They are dog-aggressive but are known to get along with cats!
Grooming needs:
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Sealyham Terrier
A robust and resilient hardworking dog breed is what the Sealyham Terrier is famous for. These are very loyal dogs that will display extreme willfulness and have a high tendency to chase small animals!
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Segugio Italiano
The Segugio Italiano is a specialized hunting dog that is focused on hunting rabbit! These dogs will show no interest on other game! The Segugio Italiano is a breed known to have a noble character and very calm disposition. These dogs are natural team players as they were created to hunt in packs. This Italian dog breed is known for their very distinctive bark, a very high-pitched vocalization that have this "ba ba ba" sound. Overall, these are dogs known for their intelligence, affection and very good with children, other dogs as well as property and home watchdogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Seppala Siberian Sleddog
The Seppala Siberian Sleddog is a natural working dog breed that will be very active and packed with high levels of stamina and endurance. When not working, these northern dogs will display their innate docile disposition and high intelligence, making these dogs very trainable. They will be good around children and other dogs as well as other pet animals if raised with them since their puppyhood stage. Overall, this is a sled dog that loves to work and will be a wonderful family pet if their owners devote time to sufficiently satisfy their energy requirements.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Serbian Mountain Hound
Serbian Mountain Hounds are hardy scent hounds that will display boldness, persistence and keen scenting abilities while out on the field. Although able to hunt on all kinds of terrain, these hounds are highly skilled hunters on rough terrains that is the natural landscape of the Balkan region where these dogs were first developed. Their boldness on hunting hares, foxes, deer and other quarry will be seen only on the job. At home, these hounds will be good-natured displaying gentleness and a calm demeanor.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Serbian Tricolour Hound
The Serbian Tricolour Hound is one of the most devoted hound dogs known. They will obey and love their masters without question and will display tremendous loyalty by standing beside them until the last second of their life. They are tenacious hunting dogs and very dependable as hunting companions.
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This beautiful, intelligent, loyal, and affectionate dog loves to herd and is happiest with a job to do and lots of activity.
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Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland Sheepdogs are excellent watchdogs as they are prone to bark and are very responsive. They are wary towards strangers. These dogs are affectionate towards family. All in all, the Shelties are intelligent, very hard-working and highly trainable
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Activity level:
Shiba Inu
Like most northern dogs, the Shiba Inu is known to be independently minded. They have a tendency to roam and wander about. Shiba-Inu dogs are also known for their alertness, curiosity and intelligence. These are dogs that will be lively and fun-loving towards friends and family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Shih Tzu
These little dogs have big personalities! Shih Tzu are often loyal, affectionate, and gregarious. They need to be groomed often to avoid becoming matted.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Shikoku is brave as it is cautious. They are even-tempered dogs that are famous for having a good judgment. Loyalty and absolute devotion and submission is innate with this Japanese dog breed. It craves human touch and will enjoy kisses from its human family. They are not aggressive but will be wary and somewhat aloof towards strangers. The Shikokus are natural hunting dogs that will not be good around small animals as they will treat them as prey. This is a dog breed that will be fast learners and very intelligent, making them highly trainable.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Shiloh Shepherd
Shiloh Shepherds are great companion dogs. This is a breed that is intelligent, self-confident and will be protective of their human family. They are courageous but also friendly. Breeders and fanciers of this breed prized it for their great skills as guard and watchdogs. Loyalty and high learning capabilities is also innate to these dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Short-haired Bhagyari Kutta
The Bhagyari Kutta is a herding breed known to be extremely enthusiastic to work and perform for their masters. Although impressive as herding dogs, they are also known to be great guard dogs that will display vigilance, boldness, bravery and perseverance to protect their masters, properties and their flock. They are dogs that will be hard working on the job and fun to be around with at home.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Short-haired Icelandic Sheepdog
Confidence and enthusiasm both at work and at home is one of the most admirable traits of the Nordic herding dogs. Short-haired Icelandic Sheepdogs also have very pleasing temperament, showing gentleness, cheerfulness and eagerness to get along with people. They are well behaved and loving when around children.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Short-Haired Lurcher
Short-Haired Lurchers may not be purebreds, but they are still very lovable, fun-loving and affectionate dogs. They are known to thrive under the guidance and leadership of their masters. The Short-haired and Longhaired Lurcher dogs were bred and used for hunting and poaching hares, rabbits and other small sized game. They are impressive as hare coursing dogs, naturally gifted with speed and agility. Overall, Short-Haired Lurcher dogs are obedient, amenable and gentle dogs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Short-haired Weimaraner
Weimaraners are excellent equipped with a lean and muscular physique. These are dogs that use intelligence during the hunt and often display quiet and stealth skills. At home, Weimer dogs are fun-loving but will always remain highly energetic. These dogs are strong willed and will do anything and everything to achieve their goal.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Short-legged Rat Terrier
Short-legged Rat Terriers are known to be bright dogs that will be inquisitive and very active all the time. These dogs have remarkable gameness and known to be absolutely tenacious during the hunt. When at home, and around family, Short-legged Rat Terriers will be genial and shall exhibit a warm and loving disposition.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Shorthaired Icelandic Sheepdog
These Nordic dog group is considered as a vital role-player for Iceland's farming industry for their versatility and adaptability to herd and guard livestock in all terrain and all weather conditions. But when not working, these dogs will show their mild and sunny side. These Northern dogs will do wonderfully with people including children of all ages. They are also known to show confidence and passion during work, but wonderfully behaved and pleasing to be with while in the house.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Shorty Bull
The Shorty Bull is a good-natured, even-tempered, stable dog. This breed needs leadership and will not thrive without it. When it senses an owner is meek or passive toward it, it will become fairly willful. These dogs respond best to an owner who is calm, but firm, consistent and patient. Proper human to canine communication is essential. Very willing to please. Makes a great companion and is ready and willing to work.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky is a dog that will show friendliness and its outgoing nature towards everyone they meet. These Northern dogs are active, lively and are known to roam. Their strong instinct to roam makes them the consummate escape artists, digging tunnels, escaping pens and even leaping over fences. Siberian Huskies are independent-minded yet very dependable when the situation calls it.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Silken Windhound
Silken Windhounds are very responsive and intelligent sight hounds that are known to have a strong drive to please their masters and its human family. This dog breed has a bearing that can describe as dignified. They will display genuine affection and will do it as expressive as they can towards people that they are fond of having around. When out on the field, this sight hound breed will display their competitive spirit but will never be aggressive to other dogs. It is a sight hound that can and will adapt quickly to life as family pet.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Silky Terrier
The Silky Terrier is a keen and friendly dog that is known to be very lively. These dogs require a great deal of attention and human interaction.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Skye Terrier
The Skye Terrier is serious and dignified. These terriers are calm indoors but fearless and active in the field. They are loyal dogs that are known to be sensitive. These dogs will be wary of strangers and will react if provoked.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Sleeves Pekingese
These tiny dogs were bred for the Tan Dynasty's royal court; Pekingese is regal in stature and dignified in stance. They are also a snob, these dogs' pampered history made them a bit too stubborn. Some lines of Pekingese dogs will show unfriendly behavior towards children and are known to be dog-aggressive
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Sloughi is affectionate and devoted to its family but wary with strangers. These gods will get along with almost everyone, including kids and other dog breeds. They are dogs known to mature slowly and tends to be sensitive and will react if provoked.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Slovac Cuvac
Slovac Cuvac dogs are loyal and very brave. These dogs are famous for being highly protective of their home and family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Slovakian Hound
The Slovakian Hound is a scent hound known for its independence, intelligence and capability to be easily trained. This Slovakian bred hound breed is prized for their extraordinary sense of direction while out hunting their prey. They are bold and very courageous, tough enough to hunt large wild boars that are ten times its size. This is a very spirited hunter with a fearless streak when face against larger prey.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Slovakian Rough-haired Pointer
The Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer may be an excellent hunting, pointing and retrieving dog but it is also perfectly suited for a home environment setting. This positively channeled dog is very affectionate, lively and energetic. This dog breed is very obedient and prized for their agility and can be trained as skilled athletes to compete in various dog trails and competitions.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Small Bernese Hound
The Small Bernese Hound is exactly like their medium-sized Swiss Hound cousins. They are the smaller version and equipped with shorter legs. This does not diminish their hunting capabilities. They are hardy hunting dogs that can and will be impressive hunting in rugged and difficult terrain. Small Bernese Hounds have highly developed scents, tracking game with impressive determination and persistence. These are dogs known to be excellent companion dogs, displaying friendliness and reliability towards their owners.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Small Munsterlander
The Small Munsterlander is an active and social dog. This German dog breed is known to be affectionate but is also stubborn. They have a very strong prey drive. People who breed these dogs describe them as sweet and sassy. Small Munsterlanders just loves water activities!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Small Swiss Hound
The Small Swiss Hound is exactly like the Swiss Hound, but smaller and have shorter legs. This does not diminish their hunting capabilities. They are hardy hunting dogs that can and will be impressive hunting in rugged and difficult terrain. Small Swiss Hounds have highly developed scents, tracking game with impressive determination and persistence. These are dogs known to be excellent companion dogs, displaying friendliness and reliability towards their owners.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Smooth Fox Terrier
Like most terriers, Smooth Fox Terriers are dogs that are not good home pets together with other small animals. They are also not recommended to have around very young children. These terriers are very exuberant and would treat smaller animals and very young children as prey or an object to hunt.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Smooth-haired Ibizan Hound
Smooth-haired Ibizan Hound dogs are perfect family pet for their very admirable traits including, loyalty, affection, playful and cheerful disposition. They will get along with everyone, including strangers. They mature at a slow pace. These enthusiastic dogs are not at all difficult to train and display adaptability in a variety of scenarios.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Smooth-Haired Vizsla
Smooth-haired Vizsla dogs are very similar to their kin the Wire-haired Vizsla. The two varieties of the Hungarian Pointing dogs are even-tempered. They are excellent hunting dogs that can retrieve point and catch birds. They are also great family dogs, showing lively and good-tempered disposition at home. These dogs will be gentle and affectionate towards family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is stubborn but playful. This breed is the quintessential self-confident terrier, although it may be less aggressive than some terrier breeds. These dogs enjoy being with its family and hates to be left alone for long periods of time.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
South African Mastiff
The South African Mastiffs are very impressive guard dogs! They are muscular and nimble when on the job. They are natural protectors that will protect its area with remarkable valor. They are also composed dogs that have a steady disposition. This makes them valued watchdogs that are sought after all over the world. The South African Mastiffs are very subservient and very sharp making them one of the top choicest when it comes to guard dog breeds. They will be great guards in rural and urban communities.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
South Russian Ovtcharka
The South Russian Ovcharka dogs are very independent and are known to be willful and dominant. These Russian dogs will be affectionate towards family. But they are also temperamental or moody. This breed is known to be wary with strangers and should be allowed to approach rather than be approached.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Southern Cur
The Southern Cur is a hunter's companion. This cur-type breed is muscular but swift when quarrying boars, bear, coon, squirrel and deer. It is a relentless hunting dog and a vicious killer of anything is catches. Like most cur dogs, the American Southern Cur will never retreat and will trail silently or semi-silently. They may be ruthless hunter, but this cur breed is a kind and very protective family dog. Loyalty, devotion and fearlessness in protecting their family is innate to this dog breed. They are one of the dogs that are native to America known having a strong drive to please their masters.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Spanish Greyhound
Spanish Greyhounds are considered to be very excellent pets for their gentleness with children. These dogs will show devotion towards family. Outdoors, these dogs will be active and will love to play. Indoors they dogs will be sedentary.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Spanish Mastiff
Spanish Mastiffs known to be highly protective and very territorial, they are after all bred to be natural guard dogs. The Spanish mastiffs will be reserved and wary dogs when around strangers. These large dogs will display great affection towards friends and families. They are naturally intelligent, independent, alert and considerable watchful but very calm.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Spanish Scenthound
Spanish hounds are even-tempered hunting dogs that are active and very intense when out on the field. Like most scent hounds, they can be a bit stubborn and this makes them pretty difficult to train. They are also versatile hunters, excelling in hunting both large and small game. They are not good family pet.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Spanish Water Dog
Spanish Water dogs are active and love to have fun. They are hard working, obedient, and will display faithfulness to their masters.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Spinone Italiano
Spinone Italiano dogs are playful and full of enthusiasm, and it can do that with a gentle and calm demeanor. They are gun dogs that can be obstinate and often way when faced with a new situation or when around strangers.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
St Germain Pointing Dog
They are gentle and social dogs that is equally adept as a hunting dog as well as an ideal family companion. The St. Germain Pointing Dog dog enjoys working and is highly trainable but also thrives on attention and affection.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
A friendly and lively dog that is affectionate is generally what the Stabyhoun dog breed is. These dogs are very dog-tempered, making them great to have around children and other pets.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Courageous, tenacity and even-temperament is what the Staffordshire is all about. They have a fondness of people and will be very affectionate especially towards children. Their bloodsport background will come out towards other dogs. This aggressive behavior is because of the Staffordshire's strong prey drive.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Staghound can be considered as a dog with dual personality. They are totally different dogs when at home and when outdoors. When at home these stag hounds will show in activeness to the point of being lethargic. Once outdoors, their natural instinct to be mobile will be displayed. Although these dogs were originally bred to be hunting dogs by using their sight, these dogs display admirable traits to consider them as great family pets. They are very gentle, affectionate and patient when it around family. These dogs are not dog-aggressive. All in all they are a very well balanced dog breed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Atlas Terrier
The Standard Atlas Terrier is a sociable, devilish, happy, faithful and affectionate dog. It is energetic and docile, yet absolutely bold. A Standard Atlas Terrier will enjoy playing with your children as long as the playing stays "friendly" and the dog does not start to fear for its safety and/or see himself above the kids in the pecking order. They are extremely intelligent, and will enjoy trying to outsmart their owners at every turn; they will test the boundaries and push the limits, so owners need to be on their toes.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Dachshund
The adorable, funny "Wiener Dog" is an avid hunter, prone to being strong-willed and mischievous. A strong human leader is needed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard German Spitz
Standard German Spitzes are generally fun loving dogs. These naturally gentle and will be friendly towards everyone including children and other dogs. They will also be tolerant with other animals. The Standard German Spitzes have high level of intelligence as well as the eagerness to learn. This makes them one of the most trainable dog breeds today.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Manchester Terrier
Among all the known and existing terrier dog breeds, the Standard Manchester Terriers are known to be sleek and racy! They are impressive in running agility courses making them very obedient and eager to perform. These terriers are known to have great hygiene as they keep themselves clean and tidy at all times. They are sensitive and often show shyness when it comes to strangers or new faces. When around their family, these are well-mannered dogs that will show devotion and affection.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Poodle
Standard Poodles are one of the most intelligent dog breeds known today. They are highly trainable and will display strong affection when around their family and friends. This variety of Poodles is known to be aloof towards new faces. This is also a Poodle variety that will get along children of all ages.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Rat Terrier
Standard Rat Terriers are very active dogs famous for their intelligence and innate curiosity. They were favored by Teddy Roosevelt for being versatile hunting companions and became popular across Midwest America for their muli-purpose working abilities. When out on the field, these excellent hunting dogs will show remarkable gameness and tenacity. If not hunting, Standard Rat Terriers are affable and affectionate family pets. They are very docile and well behaved, making these dogs great to have around children, other dog breeds and even cats
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Schnauzer
The prototype Schnauzer is very intelligent and highly trainable. These muscular breed are famous for their playful and mischievous ways. They are very lively but also very affectionate and show devotion when around family. Schnauzers are natural guard dogs which will be territorial and always wary when strangers are around. It is okay to have around children but should be supervised with small animals because these dogs have very strong prey drive.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Standard Xoloitzcuintli
The Mexican hairless dogs are known to display faithfulness and will be a very affectionate pet. They are dogs that will be wary when around strangers. The Standard Xolo dogs are very active as they are very happy. All Xolo varieties are very intelligent and will display a demeanor that is calm and good natured. Proper socialization of these dogs will make them get along with children of all ages and other animals as well.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Stephen's Stock Mountain Cur
The Stephen's Stock Mountain Cur is a true blue hunting dog that will be active and very lively on and off the job. The high activity level of this dogs adds up to their intense and very aggressive hunting capabilities. They are team players, bred to work and hunt in packs. This make the Stephen's Stock Cur tolerant and non-aggressive to other dogs and breeds. These Cur-type dogs should not be trusted when around non-dog animals especially small pets. Their natural aggressive trait makes them suspicious when around strangers. Being excellent family companions come natural to this breed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Sussex Spaniel
Sussex Spaniels are very friendly and are known to have an easy-going disposition. These dogs are also known for being hard workers that will perform effortlessly during the hunt. These dogs will be protective of their home and their family. They love to bark a lot.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Swedish Lapphund
Swedish Lapphunds are known to be dogs that possess high intelligence making them trainable and friendly. They can be stubborn and are known for vocalizing. They enjoy the outdoors and a cool climate.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Swedish Vallhund
The Swedish Vallhund is a sturdy herding dog that is always alert and highly energetic while performing its duties. These are bold dogs that are perpetually curious. Viking dogs will be easy to train with an impressive intelligence and an eagerness to please. These dogs are docile, friendly and will always get along with everyone.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Tamaskan Dog breed is quite controversial, to say the least. It was originally named as the Northern Inuit Dog, which was later then changed to the Utonagan dog breed. Right now, there are canine organizations that recognizes all three as a separate and distinct breed. Regardless of the name, may it be Tamasakan, Northern Inuit or Utonaga, this Nordic dog breed has captured the world’s attention for its wold-like appearance but very well tempered disposition.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Tasy or Tazi is available in two varieties. The two are the same breed and are only different in regards to the area where they are locally bred and a slight difference when it comes to their height
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier
There was a time that Teddy Roosevelt Terrier dogs and the various Rat Terrier types were considered one and the same. Years of varying breeding methods and lineages used created two different types of Rat Terriers. The Standard Rat Terriers and the Short-legged Rat Terrier, which was later renamed as the Teddy Roosevelt Terrier.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Telomian dog breed is Malaysia’s native dog but also considered by some as a type of Dingo. They are rare dogs. This Malaysian dog breed is also the only native Malaysian breed that is bred outside of the country.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Tenterfield Terrier
The Tenterfield Terrier is a breed that truly embodies Australia’s heritage as a nation of immigrant. This is breed that was created in Great Britain, but saw further development and thrived as one of Australia’s preferred native breeds.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Thai Bangkaew
The Thai Bangkaew Dog is one of Thailand’s native dog breed and is considered included in the Spitz dog family. This is an Asian dog breed that comes from cross between a domestic dog and a wild jackal. This interbred made the Thai Bangkaew Dog very unique and very rare outside of Southeast Asia.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Thai Ridgeback
The Thai Ridgeback is Thailand’s most famous dog breed and known locally as the Mah Thai. It’s a primitive breed of sighthound that is believed to have first been breed during the Middle Ages.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Tibetan Kyi Apso
The Tibetan Kyi Apso is dog breed that was used by nomadic tribes in Tibet as the first line of defense against strangers, intruders and predatory animals. They alarm their masters by letting out a loud and monotonous warning bark! These dogs were made to wear thick red collars that are made by the tribes residing on Tibet’s High Plateau from yak wool. This collar serves as protection when these dogs battle ferocious predators such as snow leopards and packs of wolves.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Tibetan Mastiff
The giant Tibetan Mastiff is a bigger than life dog breed! Literally for its size and also for having embedded itself into popular culture, especially in literature and on the big screen!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Tibetan Spaniel
The Tibetan Spaniel is not actually a genuine spaniel breed! Spaniel type dogs are gun dogs, used by hunters to find and retrieve game fowls in land and water, which the Tibetan Spaniel is clearly not. This ancient Tibetan dog breed was created to be small dogs to accompany the Tibetan monks in their monasteries. These small Lion-looking dog got the spaniel from the westerners, depicting the physical similarities it shares with the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Tibetan Terrier
Tibetan Terriers, although called terriers are not actually members of the terrier dog family. They are not related to any terrier dog breed in the world. They are believed to be the ancestors of the modern Lhasa Apso.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Titan Bull-Dogge
The Titan Bull-Dogge is one of youngest breeds today and is still considered in the process of development. Currently, this breed is registered with the American Society of Rare & Working Breeds.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Tornjak dog breed is the original Bosnian-Herzegovinian Sheepdog, and the name used for several thousands of years by the native shepherds of the area now covering modern day Bosnia, Herzegovina and Croatia.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Tosa Inu, Tosa Ken, Japanese Tosa and USA Tosa are some of the popular names of the Tosa dog breed. Tosa are the traditional and ceremonial dog fighting breed of Japan.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Toy Alaskan Klee Kai
If you are thinking to adopt an Alaskan Klee Kai dog, also known as AKK or mini huskies, you'll have the chance to pick from three variants. This relatively new breed, it was created in the 70's, comes in three different sizes. Standard, Toy and miniature. This dog breed guide is all about the Toy Alaskan Klee Kai, a northern dog breed that is just full of love and affection packed in a very small package!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Toy Atlas Terrier
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Toy Fox Terrier
Grooming needs:
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Toy German Spitz,
The Toy German Spitz can be called by various names. It is called as Kleinspitz or Toy Deutscher Spitz Klein in Europe and the Great Britain. In the United States and Canada, they are commonly called Small German Spitz, Toy German Spitz, German Spitz Klein and simply as Small Spitz. Whatever they are called, the Toy German Spitz is the smallest of the three recognized variety of this spitz-type dog breed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Toy Poodle
Toy Poodles were bred to be companion dogs. These smaller Poodles are also one of the most popular show dog breeds today.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Toy Rat Terrier
The Rat Terrier comes in various sizes and standards will differ from one kennel club to another. The National Rat Terrier Association recognizes the Toy Rat Terrier. The United Kennel Club does not. American icon and former President Teddy Roosevelt named the Rat Terrier dog breed himself, favoring this particular breed as the ideal hunting companion. The Toy Rat Terrier is considered by some breeders and organization as the smallest of all the Rat Terrier variants. This variety is only recognized by the National Rat Terrier Association and their affiliated canine clubs and registries.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Treeing Feist
The small and agile Treeing Feist is an alert and versatile hunting dog that is full of courage and overflowing with tenacity. They are considered to be highly trainable, especially if training lessons is work related. When it comes to obedience training, Treeing Feist breeders and fanciers share opposing views. Arguably, some believe that Treeing Feist’s impressive gameness when going after its prey may result to unwanted behavior and push their aggression to very high levels making them unsuited for family life. Some believes that Treeing Feist can be ideal house dogs for a family provided that they undergo proper training and socialization. One thing is for sure, the Treeing Feist is not the dog for everyone. They require owners that are dog-experienced and should have the time and energy to keep up with their demoing activity needs.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Treeing Tennessee Brindle
The Treeing Tennessee Brindle dogs are muscular dogs that are inherently good-tempered. These treeing dogs are so friendly that they will get along with anyone and everyone. They are intelligent and gifted with a strong working drive. Like most treeing dog-types, the Treeing Tennessee Brindle can get very vocal. They will bark loudly, but it does not mean that they are aggressive.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Treeing Walker Coonhound
The Treeing Walker Coonhounds are dogs with an intense drive to work. These dogs are known to be oozing with confidence, highly energetic and very outgoing. They are dogs that will display a gentle disposition and will get along with everyone.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Trobojacs are hardy scent hounds that will display boldness, persistence and keen scenting abilities while out on the field. Although able to hunt on all kinds of terrain, these hounds are highly skilled hunters on rough terrains that is the natural landscape of the Balkan region where these dogs were first developed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Uruguayan Cimarron
Uruguayan Cimarron or the Cimarrón Uruguayo got its name from the word cimarrón, which in Latin America means feral! It is also the official National Dog of Uruguay!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
USA Tosa Dog
The USA Tosa is the Western version of the Japanese fighting dog. This American varieties are bigger and heavier but share the same traits and characteristics of their Asian progenitors. In the ring they are powerful, decisive, very game and strong willed. When at home USA Tosa dogs are affectionate and devoted to their handlers and families.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Before 2003, the Utonagan dog breed was known as the Northern Inuit dog breed. It was changed to its present name after this year as there was another and different dog breed named Northern Inuit.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Weatherford Ben Black Mouth Cur
The Weatherford’s Ben Black Mouth Cur is one of various Black Mouth Cur breeds that were developed in the Dixie region of the United States. This particular Cur type of dog was first developed in the State of Texas.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Weimaraners are intelligent, stubborn, people-loving, and active, active, ACTIVE! These dogs are best-suited for a very active family who will satisfy their need.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Welsh Corgi
The Welsh Corgi is a herding dog breed that originates in Wales in the United Kingdom.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Welsh Springer Spaniel
The Welsh Springer Spaniel dog breed are descendants of the English Springer Spaniels. They appear like bred down versions of their progenitors with a smaller built. These Welsh spaniels are also less energetic than the English variety.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
West Highland White Terrier
West Highland White Terrier were spefically bred to be all whites to avoid being mistaken for a fox and accidentally shot during the hunt!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Native to The Netherlands, the Wetterhoun dog breed one of the pride of the Friesland Province for being prized all-purpose and all weather gun dogs. This dog breed is also among the oldest gun dog breeds still in use today!
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Whippet holds the distinction of being the world’s fastest domesticated animal that is the same size with this dog breed. This lean dog are speed demons that can reach a top speed of 35 miles per hour.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Wire Fox Terrier
The Wire Fox Terrier or simply the Wire Terrier, is one of two breeds recognized in the United States as variants of the Fox Terrier family. This particular variant of Foxies was bred to create a more terrain resistant hunting dog when compared to the smooth coated variety. This dog breed’s wiry coat has been proven to suffer less damage while hunting in rugged and rocky terrain. Outside of the United States, the two variants of Fox Terriers are considered as one dog breed.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Wire-haired Pointing Griffon
The Wire-haired Pointing Griffon is a dog specifically created to be very versatile hunters that can work as well as be great family dogs. These griffon types of dogs are very intelligent. These dogs are so smart that they can be manipulative and will get bored easily with mundane things! They are known to be good-tempered with a very high willingness to please their masters.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Wire-haired Vizsla
Wire-haired Vizsla dogs share similar traits and behavior with the Smooth-haired variety. Both types of this dog breed are impressive hunters with an even-tempered disposition. The two coat varieties share the same level of liveliness and an innately good-natured. These dogs are gentle and affectionate when at home and around family. They are also known to be very sensitive to harshness of the human voice. This specific variety are known to be less vocal and less aggressive than the Smooth-haired Vizsla.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Wirehaired Ibizan Hound
Active and fast, Wirehaired Ibizan Hound dogs are versatile hunters of small game prey. So versatile that they can adapt to both night and day time hunting conditions. These are ideal family pets as they are highly and easily trainable. They are also very playful, loyal and affectionate around family.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
The Mexican hairless dogs are known to display faithfulness and will be a very affectionate pet. They are dogs that will be wary when around strangers. These small hairless dogs are very active as they are very happy. Xolo’s are very intelligent and will display a demeanor that is calm and good tempered. Proper socialization of these dogs will make them get along with children of all ages and other animals as well.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers, or "Yorkies", are wonderful little dogs, but they're not for everyone.
Grooming needs:
Activity level:
Yugoslavian Hound
The Yugoslavian Hound breed is believed to be a very old scent hound breed that originated in the Balkan region that was known as Yugoslavia, now modern day Serbia. The two varieties of Yugoslavian Hounds were bred to be “running hounds”. This is a hunting term used when scent hounds are made to seek or scent game on its own, without a leash.
Grooming needs:
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Yugoslavian Shepherd
Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog has a very cloudy history but dog historians believe that they are one of the most ancient dog breeds still existing today. These are dogs that originated in the Balkan region known as Sarplanina which compromises the area that was once called Yugoslavia and the modern day Serbia and Macedonia.
Grooming needs:
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Yugoslavian Tricolor Hound
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